Time in the Hotel Pt2

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Ariana's POV
"So, do you want pizza?" I asked

"Of fucking course I want pizza," Y/n excitedly said as her voice traveled closer. She wrapped me in a hug from behind, and I instantly sunk back into her. "You know," she started, "We don't have to order any food."

My face immediately went read. I managed to choke out a "What do you mean?" without stuttering, barely.

Since the whole topless hot tub thing, y/n had been teasing me in so many different ways. It was so aggravating because I never wanted her to stop, but I knew I wasn't going to get anything more than just teasing. She was driving me absolutely insane. I was so worked up at this point that she could breathe around me the right way and my panties would probably be soaked.

I understood why she wanted to wait because I felt the same way. We hadn't been together for long, and hadn't really even known each other for that long. Sure, a couple of months is a lot more than some people waited, but we both really wanted our first time together to be special. We were both scared to rush into it, and if we are being completely honest, I was kind of scared for my first time with a girl.

I didn't really know if she had been with any girls before me, or even boys for that matter. I just knew I wanted to be the best she had ever had, and I wasn't sure how I was going to manage that.

Regardless of how badly I wanted to wait, this girl was working me up endlessly. She was breathing on my neck, and her arms around my waist kept me from moving.

I had been so lost in thought that I hadn't heard what she had said. "Sorry, what?" I asked.

"Were you not listening to me?"

"Oh, no I was. I just... I zoned out for a little. No big deal."

"What were you thinking about?"

"Oh you know," I looked back at her hoping she would get what I meant.

"No. I don't know," she smirked, and I knew that I was smiling like an idiot.

"Stuff," I finished.

"Stuff like?" She asked.

God don't make me spell it out for you. "Just, stuff." I unhooked her hands from in front of me and walked away from the counter. "The pizza will be ready in like half an hour. Roshad is going to go get it for us!"

She smiled and walked back to the bed. "Sounds good," she smiled a tight lipped smile before plopping onto the bed and sliding under the covers.

I sat down on the edge of the bed and watched her for a moment. She was staring at the tv, but I could tell she was lost in thought. She had this cute look of concentration that she made when she was thinking, and she would scrunch her face and ever so slightly shake her head every now and then, as if dismissing some idea.

She was truly adorable.

"Why are you staring at me Grande?" she asked, now fully focused on me. I must have zoned out.

"Am I not allowed to stare at my girlfriend?"

She made a cute face at the word 'girlfriend' like she forgot that's what she was. I leaned forward and kissed her gently. She sat up and pulled me closer so that I straddled her.

We began to make out for probably the 20th time in the last 5 hours, since we had woken up from our accidental nap.

   I was craving her touch in so many different ways. I just needed to feel her against me, and it was all I could think about.

   "I want to-" a knock on the door cut me off.

   "You want to...?" she asked.

   "I want to-" the knock cut me off again. "Ugh, I should probably go get that," I grumbled, not wanting to get up.

   Her hands went from my sides down to my butt and she grabbed it lightly. "I mean you could..." she started "Or you could stay it with me." She smiled.

   "You're cute, I'll give you that, but I have to see who it is. It could be the pizza!"

   "Fine," she exhaled defeated and frantically threw her hands onto the bed.

   I kissed her once before sliding off of her and whispering "I'll be right back."

   I opened the door to reveal Roshad.

   "Delivery for," he pretended to check his phone, "Miss Grande."

   I laughed and gently punched him in the shoulder. "That would be me." I said taking the pizza.

   He turned to walk away, but I grabbed his arm. "Roshad."

   "Hmm?" He turned around.

   "I just wanted to say thanks. I know you're my body guard not my errand boy. You don't have to do this stuff for me."

   "It's not problem."

   "I mean it, though. You're always there for me. It's nice to know that I have dependable people in my life."

    "Anything for a friend," he smiled. "And you need to hang onto that girl in there. She's turning you into a better you; I really like her."

   A warm, heartfelt smile appeared on my face as I went red. "I like her too. A lot."

   He nodded and walked away, and I shut the door.

   "Pizza is here," I called out.

   "I am starved!!" Y/N yelled before snatching it from my hands and placing the box on the counter. She began to eat the pizza before I had even made my way over to the counter.

"You're devouring that pizza!! Are you okay?"

   "Yeah just hungry," she said with a mouthful, covering her mouth as to not flash her chewed food.

   "Such a graceful eater," I joked.

   "You know it," she said before taking another bite. "So, about what you were saying before."

   I nervously laughed and grabbed a slice before biting into it. I covered my mouth and managed a "can't talk, mouth full" before taking a seat at the island.
my other books are p chill if you wanna check those out:)

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not edited!

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