Some Party

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   By the time we had arrived at the party, my nerves had calmed for the most part.

  "Come on, we haven't got all day," Ariana says, waiting for me to get out of the car. She leaned forward and whispered something to the driver. He nodded his head and she grinned.

   "Sorry, I'm just in my head."

   "Well get out of it! Tonight is about to be amazing," enthusiasm and excitement dripped from her voice, bringing a smile to my face. She was so adorable when she got excited like this.

   The party was in a giant expensive hotel. The entire bottom floor was rented out just for the event. Everything was gold, white, and black. I was amazed.

   We made our way into the party. I did my best to avoid people, but being with the Ariana Grande did not make that an easy task. Every person in the place knew her or wanted to. She was practically surrounded by people every second.

   Strangers circling me only raised my anxiety.

   I slipped away. I had hopped she followed somehow, but disappointment overwhelmed me once I reached the bar and turned around to see that she was still chatting up a storm, seemingly unaware of my absence completely.

   I sighed loudly on accidentally.

   "Not a party person huh?" The girl beside me asked.

   I turned to see her.  Lauren Jauregui. Wow she's gorgeous. "Not a crowds person," I answered simply.

   "That makes two of us," she chuckled.

   "Why aren't you socializing? I'm pretty sure you were directly invited to this party. I'm just a plus one."

   "Being well known is so overwhelming. So much is expected of us, and we have to give it like it's nothing. This stuff is so draining, so I just avoid everyone as much as I can."

   "How did I manage to meet my long lost twin at a party?" I joked.

   She let out a cute laugh that made my face light up. Her smile and laugh were infectious. She was definitely my type of person.

   We talked and talked. She managed to make my anxiety disappear almost entirely. I forgot that we were at a party and not just chillin in my room. I really liked being around her, and somehow we had gotten onto the topic of her growing up in the spot light.

   "I was still so young when I auditioned. I hadn't thought we'd go as far as we did, but it was a total dream come true. I still get butterflies every time I go on stage like it's my first time again." Her smile illuminated her face completely.

   "As good as the job seems, there's no way it's all happy memories," I said, hoping to hear more from her. Just hearing her talk was relaxing.

   "Oh god no! I was so self conscious; it was awful. I wouldn't change a thing about it though. All that tore me down allowed me to build myself back up and build myself better. I love who I am now more than I ever could have. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't wish that on anyone. I'm just happy with how I came out of it. Does that make any sense?" She chuckled awkwardly, like she was nervous.

   "I understand you completely. I've been through so much, and as much as those memories haunt me, I wouldn't be who I am today without them. I wouldn't be the daydreamer that chases butterflies across the street and becomes best friends with Ariana Grande and-" I cut myself off. "And yeah."

   I looked down at the floor below my feet that dangled slightly from my chair, fingers fiddling within my right hand.

   "You're holding back. You don't have to tell me, but I'm here to listen if you do want to."

"I just," I hesitated. "I like her, a lot. We haven't known each other long, but we just clicked so fast. I know time isn't everything. I just feel like maybe I'm rushing into this too fast, and I'm going to end up getting myself hurt." I paused. She didn't say anything; she knew I wasn't done.

"Like, look at us now. I'm here at this big party with my raging anxiety. You're the one by my side, comforting me. I didn't even know you until," I looked at my phone momentarily, "three hours ago." I sighed again. "I've been here three hours, and I'm not even sure if she has realized I'm not by her side anymore."

We both looked over to her. She was smiling and laughing with somebody. A smile automatically came to my face, but a pain spread over my chest.

"She's having the time of her life without me. This isn't my setting. This is her life though. I just wasn't made for this. I am setting myself up to be let down at this point."

"I see where you're coming from. Liking somebody that has been in the spotlight isn't anything close to easy. Sometimes they have two completely different personalities, one for the cameras and then who they really are. Sometimes they blend together or one consumes the other. Ariana is doing her best, I can tell. She doesn't bring just anybody to an event like this." I nodded my head.

   "She obviously cares about you. She's trying."

   I sighed. "You're right."

   "You're still upset, I can tell, but it'll be okay."

   "Thanks Lauren, I needed to hear that."

   "Of course. Now can I get your number? I don't want this getting in your head without someone to remove it."

  I laughed and put my number in her phone. "I'll see you later?" I asked as I got down from the stool.

   "For sure." She smiled and I waved as I walked off to find Ariana.

   An hour had passed, and I had yet to find her.
That is, until she walked out of an elevator with a guy I didn't know.

   His brown hair was messy, and his tie had been undone with his shirt untucked in some places. Ariana readjusted her dress as I noticed that her ponytail was less straight than it had been when we arrived. Don't overthink it. It's probably nothing.

   Then they leaned into each other and hugged. Once they pulled apart, he kissed her cheek.

My jaw dropped.

They pulled apart, and he walk away. Ariana looked around as she attempted to fix her hair and smooth out her dress. Our eyes locked. Her smiled dropped.

I turned around and walked towards the side exit of the building as fast as I could. I couldn't hear anything but the pounding of my heart and the faint sound of the music as my blood pumped fast. Breathing became harder and harder as the pain in my chest began to spread to my fingertips. She really brought me to a party just to leave me and run off to fuck some guy? Fuck her!

   As soon as I got outside I began to run. At this point I wasn't even sure where I was going.

   I heard the click of heels coming after me and Ariana calling out my name, but I ignored it and sped up.

   I had successfully lost Ariana and ended up at a park by myself. Being alone at night is LA was beyond dangerous, but I didn't care. I needed to be alone, even if it meant being alone with a crackhead and possibly getting stabbed on this bench. My mind was too busy, and it was completely overwhelming. Fuck.

   I wiped my tears and took a deep breath before pulling out my phone. I needed to get home, and Ariana was supposed to be my ride. We all knew that wasn't going to happen, so I opened my Uber app.

   "Hear me out," a whisper from directly beside me said.

   "You can't use people like that okay? You already said that it was nothing. I don't know why I'm even trying at this point. I give up. I'm done." I walked away leaving her completely stunned.
Ooo what's going down??

OKAY I'm sorry it took me so long i've been doing so many projects. 1 more week until I'm out for summer and will be writing all of the time!!!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter there is more to come and the tea is about to get spilt!!

Only like half edited sooo

Ariana Stole My HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora