The Special Ones

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Chapter 1
'He who thinks he is raising a mound may only in reality be digging a pit.'- Ernest Bramah

Faith P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I looked at the clock, which read: 6:00. I sighed and got out of bed groggily and got dressed. By the time I was done getting ready it was eight o'clock and Abby was already up. "G'morning," I smiled at her as picked up my messenger bag. She beamed back in a childlike manner. "Morning," she heaved her backpack full of books onto her back.
"What classes do you have today?" Abby asked me as we left our dorm together. "Sorting, Algebra, and Reading," I searched through my bag and pulled out my tablet. Abby and I live at a facility that teaches us algebra, sorting, fighting, and reading. Sorting and fighting are the two main courses that you must take. Algebra and reading are required also. I switched on my tablet and opened my schedule for today. The screen read:
Faith stiff #6249, Breakfast Break
First class: Algebra Room: 756
Second class: Sorting Room: 205
Lunch Break
Third class: Reading Room: 169
Recreation Time

I said goodbye to Abby at the end of the hall and we parted ways. Let's see, 205, 205. I took a few wrong turns and then finally found the room. Ah, here it is. I opened the door to room 205 and walked in. Everybody had already been seated and ready to go once I got there. The teacher, Mrs. Tosh stared daggers at me. "Ms. Faith, this is the third time this week you've been late," she said coldly. "Do you know what that means?" Everyone's eyes were on me. I looked at my feet. "It means I have to make up time, ma'am," I said. Mrs. Tosh's melting gaze was still on me. "Ms. Faith, you must write 'I will never be late for class' five hundred times while you make up time," she handed me a slip that said when I needed to make up my time.
I turned to go to my desk and Mrs. Tosh called out to me, "That's not all, you must also complete a Duty." Everyone murmured to each other at that. I nodded silently and proceeded to my desk. A Duty is a job that they give to trouble makers. Kids who skip class, don't do assignments, pick fights in the halls, kids like that. The Duties are unknown to the kids who don't make trouble. Mostly because if you're assigned a Duty you either die doing it or forget what happened from shock. I sat down and was silent the rest of the period.


I had just got seated in my seat when my instructor gave the first order, "Ok stiffs open your sorting programs and start on program 226 and get going. I'll be coming around in thirty minutes to check on you as usual." I'd always hated sorting. I opened my program anyway and started sorting. In thirty minutes the instructor came around and checked on us, as she said she would.
I had been staring at my screen for an hour until we finally had a lunch break. I headed for the lunch room as quick as I could as I clutched my tablet. Once I reached the lunch room I looked around for my brother. I didn't see him at first then I saw his dark, almost black hair.
I ran over to him. "Aiden," I said once I reached him. "Look what I found!" I thrusted the tablet at him and he turned it on and skimmed the screen with his eyes. There was a long pause and then finally he said, "This means nothing, Faith." I had been studying this facility for the past year trying to dig up something that would convince my brother that we couldn't stay here. Not that we had a choice, but I wanted him on my side. I wanted him to agree that this place was up to no good.
My brother and I live in a facility called Maleficent. It was named after the founder, Maleficent Patterson. The facility trains kids to sort and fight. This year I'm learning to sort, again. You start to learn sorting at age twelve and finish learning at age fourteen. Then you learn how to fight at age fifteen and you stop training at age nineteen. I'm fourteen so I'll be moving up to fighting next year. My brother on the other hand is on his last year of training. As for the where do we come from part. I'm pretty sure we were all made in a lab. As far as any of us know we don't have parents.
I frowned at him. "Come on, Aiden," I pointed at the screen. "It took me a month to find that. It does to mean something." He sighed. I had finally found a file that I got to by hacking into the main computer. It clearly stated that they put medications into our food. "They're just giving us medications so we don't get sick. That's all." He handed me the tablet and started for the lunch line. I turned off the screen and quickly followed him.
"But what if it's not just medication for sickness?" When he gave me a puzzled look I quickly added, "What if they're giving us this medication so we all slowly die off?" He snorted and turned to face me. "Faith, you need to stop reading those books of yours. I honestly think you're going insane sometimes." I put my hands on my hips. "I am not going insane! Why won't you just listen to me?" he gave me a wry look and for the first time I noticed he had shadows under his eyes. I raised my eyebrows at him. "Not now, Fay," and with that he walked to the lunch line. I sighed and went to the other side of the lunch line.
There still are questions I want the answers to and I still want my brother on my side. But my biggest question is: where did I come from? Was I really a test-tube baby? I wasn't going to stop searching until I found the answer.
After lunch and sorting were over I went straight to my dorm where my best friend Abby sat at her desk. She turned as I entered the room. "You're early today," she said as she doodled. I tossed my tablet on my bed and shrugged. "I don't feel like going to recreation time." I sat on my bed, kicked off my shoes and laid down. I rolled onto my stomach and turned on my tablet. Abby came over and sat next to me. "What are you looking at?" she looked at the screen. I handed her the tablet and she quickly read through the file. Her eyes got wide as she did. "I didn't know they put medication in our food," she looked suspiciously at the screen. Abby always agreed with me that this place was strange. I nodded. "I know. No one knows," I took the tablet and scrolled through the file until I found what I was looking for. I pointed at the screen. "Here, read this," I handed her the tablet again. She skimmed the screen. "That there is proof that it's not medication for healing sickness." She and I exchanged a look. After a moment of silence I said, "Do you ever wonder why we can't remember anything from before we were twelve? It's like we were born twelve!" She slowly nodded. "Sometimes." She paused looking at the screen deep in thought. "We have to tell Aiden about this." I shook my head. "He won't listen to us," I sighed. Abby turned off the tablet and got up. I sat up. "Where are you going?" I got up also. She stalked over to her desk and grabbed her laptop. "I'm going to find out what those meds do," she grabbed her bag and packed her laptop into it.
I walked over to her. "I'm coming with you," I grabbed my messenger bag and put my tablet into it. I figured my punishment couldn't get much worse than what it already was. She smiled at me. "Good," she walked up to me, she was taller than me by an inch. "It's going to take us both to break into the Office." I gasped. "The Office?" The Office was the main headquarters of the facility. "How are we supposed to get in there?" She smiled and said, "We break in." She explained the plan to me-one: sneak down the hallway without getting caught, two: pick the lock on the Office door, three: get the information we need, four: sneak back out without getting caught.
I nodded when she was done explaining. "Sounds good," I said still nodding. "But we can't sneak around in these clothes." I walked over to my dresser. I got out a black long-sleeve shirt and a pair of black jeans. Abby smiled. "Perfect," she went to her dresser and got out the same clothes. I went into the bathroom and locked the door. I turned and looked at my reflection in the mirror. I looked at my long chocolaty brown hair, my blue eyes, my small stomach, my hips, my long legs, and my pale skin. I looked at my face. I didn't have high cheek bones and my chin wasn't pointed, instead I had a fuller face. I looked like I could be twelve, if we get caught I'll plead innocence. I quickly changed into my black clothes and met Abigail back in the main room. "Ready?" she looked at me and I nodded.
We waited until the clock read: 12:01 a.m., then we quietly snuck down the hall. Abby paused at the end of the hall and looked down the next corridor. She motioned me with two fingers, it was clear. We quietly padded down the next few corridors and past the cafeteria until we came into view of the Office. I smiled at Abby. I silently mouthed, "We made it!" She mouthed back, "Not quite." She slowly inched toward the Office's door with me on her heels. When we reached the door she got out a paper clip.
"My big brother taught me how to pick a lock," she whispered as she shoved the paper clip into the lock. A few minutes later I heard a click of the lock. She smiled at the door and eased it open. When we were inside and just about to go into the filing room she put a hand on my shoulder and whispered, "You wait here while I go and fetch the file." I nodded silently and waited by the door. She quietly eased the door open and slid in.
I looked around the ghostly office. There was a big, light brown desk in the right corner and on the desk was a picture of a lady with dark brown hair. She was holding a baby and was smiling at the anonymous person behind the camera. I looked at the wall across from the door, on it was a picture of Maleficent Patterson. He was young in the picture and had light blonde, professional hair. He was wearing a waistcoat and black dress pants.
He looked so normal for a man who would make such a facility as this one. I started to feel a weird itching sensation in my nose. Oh no, not now. I sneezed with a loud ah-chu! And that was enough for a nightwatcher to hear. The nightwatcher came pounding through the office door right as I hid behind the big, light brown desk. The man looked around. I coward in fear behind the desk and just then, Abby came out from the filing room. I looked at what happened next in horror. The man tackled Abby to the ground. Talk about over doing it! "What are you doing in here?" he snarled in her face.
She looked around franticly and I knew instantly what she was looking for: me. She finally saw me and met my eyes. She seemed to calm down a little bit. She looked back at the nightwatcher and said, "I'm here for a file," she seemed fearless in that moment. I quickly looked around for something to use as a weapon and saw a briefcase. I seized it in two hands and got up. I stood behind the man and held the briefcase over my head. I swung hard and was rewarded with a loud thunk as the briefcase smacked hard into the man's head.
He fell unconscious. I looked at Abby and she met my gaze. I could tell just by looking at her what she wanted to ask, what are we going to do? I thought for a moment. I knew we couldn't stay here now. If they found out what we did who knows what would happen? I quickly decided on the next best option. We have to run.

Well what do you guys think?! It's my first novel so please don't hate on me! Love y'all!!

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