Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Faith's P.O.V

It's been an uneventful week since I moved into my new room. It's 6 in the evening and I was headed to the cafe. I got a coffee and biscuit and sat down at a table alone.
Suddenly two hands covered my eyes.

"I found you." I deep familiar voice said.

I gasped. "Blaike?"

"No it's the janitor. Yeah it's Blaike!"

I hopped up and hugged him. What? This guy is awesome!

"So what's up?" I asked him.

"Well follow me and I'll show you." Blaike grabbed my hand and lead me out of the cafe.

About an hour later we were in an elevator going up.

"So where are you taking me?"

"You'll see." He smiled. the elevator stopped and the doors opened with a ding. Blaike grabbed my hand and lead me out of the elevator and out into the cold night air.

Are we outside?! "Are we allowed up here?" I asked nervously.

He smiled. "It's fine, don't sweat it." He let go of my hand and walked over to and outlet on the wall, where a cord was laying below it. He picked up the cord and plugged it in.

Suddenly I could see trees with lights on them all around me and a large open patio with rose petals on it.

"Well do you like it?" He asked. Like it? I LOVE it! Instead of answering him I ran to him and threw myself at him. I hugged him like my life depended on it.

He hugged me back tightly and whispered in my ear, "Can I have this dance?" Then he took a remote out of his pocket and pressed a button and music suddenly came on.

I smiles and nodded. He smiled back and bowed in front of me. I curtsied back and he gabbed my right hand lightly and put his other hand on my waist. I put my free hand on his shoulder and we started swaying.

It was like magic! We danced an danced for what seemed like hours. When the song finally ended Blaike pulled me close and did something that made me curious. He kisses me.

But it wasn't magical. No sparks. No feeling. At all. I heard a door open and an all too familiar voice behind me. "Oh...sorry to disturb you."

I turned and saw a shocked Wyatt standing there. "Wyatt..." I whispered. "It isn't what it looks like."

"Really because it looks a lot like your making out with this guy." he turned and left. No. No, no, no. This is all wrong!

"Baby, it's ok. Forget him." Blaike said. What? Did Blaike say that? sweet, kind, caring Blaike? Something's really wrong here.

"No. This is wrong. I was wrong. I've been looking for something that would make me feel normal and accepted. I thought it was you." I turned and looked at him. "But turns out it's been here this whole time. What I've been looking for is Wyatt."

I could've sworn I saw fire in his eyes. "Excuse me?" He stared daggers at me. Wait a second... his eyes are orange?! What the?! Wait... is he a Special?! Crap! I turned to run, but he caught a hold of my wrist and turned me to face him again.

"Let me go!" I growled at him. He laughed, but it wasn't his usual warm laugh. It was a cold, dry laugh.

"Sorry but you're mine." He grinned wolfishly. I need to get out of here! this guy is crazy!!

"I said let me go!" I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. He fell to the ground hold his genticals.

I ran to the door and turned the knob. Right as I was about to leave I closed the door and turned around against my will. My brain screamed that I should turn and run, but my body started walking towards Blaike. No! No!

A pissed off Blaike was now standing in front of me. I gulped. I can't move. It's like he's controlling me! Is he?

"Like my power?" He asked. That's it, it's his power! "It's too bad you don't have a power. You might've been able to escape."

Wait, my power! I tried to move my arm to punch him, but I couldn't move even putting my power into it. I'm so screwed.

"Still can't move? Good." He chuckled. "Now I bet you would love to hear the good news I have." He paused to smile at me. "I asked the room director if I could room with you. They accepted my request."

The mere thought if him being in my room made me want to scream. Surprisingly I did scream. And I screamed loud.

Blaike lifted his hand to slap me. "You little-" he was cut off by the balcony door opening. Wyatt stood in the doorway.

He looked at us and his eyes widened. Well I bet this was a sight. Five minutes ago I was kissing this guy and now he was about to slap me! "Faith, what's going on?" Wyatt asked still looking confused.

I tried to speak, but my lips wouldn't even move. Blaike put his hand down and smiled at Wyatt. "We were just talking. You can go now."

"Really 'cause it looks like your about to slap her." He glared at Blaike. He glared back.

"I said we were just talking."

"Really it looks like she can't talk. Nice orange eyes by the way. Would've never guessed you were a Special." Wyatt snapped and Blaike growled. Wyatt's eyes turned black and suddenly his fingernails turned into claws.

Today has been so messed up. But I guess anything could happen. Wyatt ran at Blaike. Blaike simply dodged his blows. Blaike suddenly grabbed me and put his hands tightly around my neck. I felt his control over me leave. I gasped for air.

"Faith!" Wyatt yelled. I looked at him, my vision was starting to go black at the edges.

"Wyatt..." I whispered. Blaike laughed. You know what? I've had enough of this guys crap. My body started moving on it's own again and my eyes turned blue and green. I twisted out of Blaike's grip and punched him right in the face.

Blaike stumbled back and then right himself. I didn't hesitate to punch him again and then kick him in the stomach. He hit the ground hard. his nose and mouth were bleeding. he wiped away the blood.

"What are you?!"

"I'm a Special a.k.a, bullet proof." I smirked and then kicked him in the face, knocking him out. My eyes turned back to normal. I heard clapping from behind me. I turned and saw a normal looking Wyatt behind me, clapping.

"Nice job, Faith!"

"I didn't do that. My Special did."

"Still! You knocked a man twice your size!"

I shrugged and yawned. "Man I'm beat!"

"Same...are you going to go back to your apartment all by yourself?"

"..." I thought for a minute. Would it be weird to tell him I'm actually really scared? "Well..."

"Faith, it's ok to be scared. you can just come stay with me." I ran to him and hugged him. He pet my hair and whispered to me. "It's ok. I'll protect you. No one will ever hurt you."

I hugged him tighter and started to cry. Yes cry. I was scared that I was going to die! Anyway, for some reason I couldn't stop crying. I'm perry sure my tear-ducts are broken.

"Shh shh it's ok. I'm here now." Wyatt held me there for what seemed like days. Then I finally fell asleep, in his arms.

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