Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Faith P.O.V

I was in a field of soft color. I laid back and looked up at the blue sky. I wondered what these colorful things are. "They are flowers," said a voice that sounded neither, male or female. I looked around, but I saw no one. "Who's there?" I asked. "I'm not a physical being," said the voice. "I can only be seen if I wish to be seen." I sat up and looked at the 'flowers'. "If you're not human then what are you?" I looked around again, but saw nothing. "I'm your guardian," said the voice, it was starting to sound more like a man.
My eyes widened. "My guardian?" I looked at the flowers in amazement. I wasn't sure but I thought I heard my 'guardian' chuckle. "Yes I'm here to teach you all you need to know," I was about to ask what it meant by that, but I heard another voice, a man's, say my name. "Faith," said the man. "Faith, time to wake up."
I opened my eyes and found Liam standing over me. I tried to sit up, but my hands, feet and stomach were all bound by straps. An alarm inside me went off. Where am I? Why am I restrained? "Relax runt, you're fine," he gestured to where my leg had been shot. "I had your wound taken care of." He sat in a chair next to where I was laying. My head was pounding. I needed to escape, now. "Why am I here?" I asked. He looked at me measuredly. "Because you belong to the facility," he said as-matter-of-factly.
A guard entered the room. "Sir there's a problem on the fourth floor," the guard said. Liam gave the guard an annoyed look. "What could it possibly be?" the guard looked at me and then back at Liam. "There has been a prison break," Liam cursed and got up. "Keep an eyes on her," Liam said as he left. The guard quickly scrambled over to the bed side. He was an older guard, maybe thirty or forty. He stood with his back straight and his gun held in front of him.
I tugged my wrists. How hard would it be to get free and then knock out the guard? He glanced over his shoulder at me. "Stay still," was all he said. Yeah like I was going to listen to this guy. I tugged at my wrists again. He turned and glared at me. "I said stay still," he raised his hand to hit me, but before he could his eyes rolled back into his head and he fell to the ground. I looked down at him in bewilderment. What just happened? I heard someone walking towards me. I looked up and saw Wyatt.
"Wyatt?" where were Nick and Abby? Why hadn't they come to save me? Wyatt came up beside me and looked down at my face. "Are you hurt?" he asked as he looked down at me worriedly. I shook my head. "I'm fine," I was anything but fine. My head was pounding and my leg was sore. "You're lying," he took my face in his hands. I winced as my sore bones moved. He instantly put my head back down. "Did I hurt you?" he bit his lower lip. I grit my teeth against the pain in my skull. "No, you didn't hurt me," a look of relief passed over his face. He undid the straps that bound me to the bed. "Can you walk?" he asked as I sat up.
I nodded, I was willing to do anything to get out of here. He held out a hand to me. "Take my hand," he said. I looked up at him. "But I don't even know you," I said. He rolled his eyes and took my hand anyway. "Can you run?" he looked at my hurt leg and then back at me. I set my jaw. "Of course," he nodded and started to run. I kept up with him even with my hurt leg. This is it. I'm finally going to escape. We turned a corner and we both skid to a stop.
Liam stood in front of us and behind him were rows upon rows of guards. I felt Wyatt tense beside me. Did Liam know that Wyatt was his brother? "You again?" he said to Wyatt. Wyatt let go of my hand and stepped up to Liam. "Get out of my way," he growled at Liam. "Give her back, she doesn't belong to you," Liam growled back. Wyatt set his jaw. "Neither does she belong to you, brother," they glared at each other. "So you know. Good, that will save me the back story," he smirked. Wyatt seemed taken aback. "You knew that you and I were brothers?" I could feel his anger like heat waves. Liam chuckled. "Of course I did," he took a gun out from under his belt. He pointed it at Wyatt.
"Not that I care," he cocked the gun. Wyatt's eyes grew wide. I looked at them in horror. What do I do? Can I get the gun from Liam? He looked at me. "If you stay here in the facility, I'll let him go," Wyatt grit his teeth and punched Liam in the stomach. The gun dropped to the floor and I dove for it. I wrapped my hands around the hand and lifted the gun. I pointed it at Liam. He froze where he stood. "Put that down, runt," he took a step forward. I pointed the gun at his foot and shot. He cried out and fell to the floor.
Wyatt didn't hesitate he punched Liam in the stomach and then punched a guard in the face. "Faith, don't just stand there!" I was still dazed, but my body wasn't. It seemed to move on its own. I shot a guard in the stomach twice and then shot another in the head. What is happening? Can I really do all of this? My gun ran out so I threw it to the floor and punch a guard in the side.
When the guard fell I kneed him in the face. My body finally stopped and I tumbled against the wall. Wyatt looked over at me. "Faith? Faith, are you ok?" he squatted down next to me. I was in shock. Since when did I know how to shoot a gun or fight? My body moved without me needing to think about it. I saw Liam get up. "Wyatt watch out," I croaked. But Liam wasn't coming towards us at all, instead he took something out of his pocket. Wyatt stood up. "Back for more?" he wiped the blood from his mouth. Liam didn't answer back, he pressed a button on the device that he was holding. My entire body instantly felt like it was being smashed and melted. I cried out. Wyatt turned to look at me. "Faith?" I looked up at him. I heard him gasp. "You changed..." I looked at him questioningly. "I changed? What do you mean?" I asked. He looked bewildered. Liam stepped forward and handed me a small mirror. I looked at the person in the mirror. She looked like me except her hair had one streak of blonde in her bangs and her eyes were two separate colors.
One of them was blue and one was green. I gasped. It was me, I had changed. I looked up at Liam through tears. "What did you do to me?" my voice trembled. Liam smirked. "I didn't do anything. You've always looked like this. You were altered to looked normal when you turned twelve, I'm just taking away all the alters that were made," he smiled evilly at me. Wyatt glared at Liam. "You expect me to believe that?" he growled. "She would remember if something like that happened."
Liam shook his head. "Her memories were altered, too," he smiled at Wyatt. "Fascinating what technology can do, right?" Wyatt leaped at him. Liam grabbed him in midair and threw him to the ground. "Wyatt!" I got up and looked at Liam. "Why are you doing this?" He pressed the button again. I froze where I stood. I tried taking a step, but my legs wouldn't budge. "You have been altered to follow commands that the facility makes," he pressed the button and once again I felt that changing sensation.
I looked in the mirror that fell on the floor. I was back to looking like normal me. He pressed the button again and I fell forward. I quickly got back up. I wasn't giving up yet. First I needed to get the device from him. I glared at Liam. "I won't ever stop trying to escape," said slowly inching over to a nearby gun. "No matter what you tell me or do to me." He smirked. "Is that so? Maybe you need to be electrified one more time," I dove for the gun and gripped it. He looked at me in surprise. "Put the gun down, ru-," I cut off his words as I lifted the gun and shot him in the legs. Liam fell to his knees.
Wyatt saw his chance and kicked him in the chest. Liam doubled over and fell on his side. Wyatt got up and hurried over to me. "Faith, are you ok?" he looked at me with concern. I dropped the gun to the floor. "Faith, take my hand," Wyatt extended his hand to me. I greatfully took it. He pulled me to my feet. "Let's get out of here," he started walking down the hall. I followed him silently looking down at my feet. We had just taken out what seemed like the entire security of this place and maybe we had.
We finally found a door with a sign that said exit. Wyatt opened the door and hurried me out with him. Wyatt started running and pulled me after him. I ran at his fast pace, I tripped a few times. We were a ways into the tall, papery green things when Wyatt stopped. I was still looking down and ran into him. "Why did we stop?" I asked looking at the ground. He lifted my chin with his finger so I was looking at him. "Why are you so sad?" he gave me a questioning look.
I was saved having to answer when a feminine voice cut in, "Faith?" Wyatt and I turned and saw Abby and Nick staring at us. "Abby! Nick!" I ran up and hugged Abby. "You're ok." Abby hugged me back. "We're ok," she agreed. "But what about you? Are you ok?" I thought back to everything that had happened that day. What a day it had been. I nodded. "I'm fine," I lied, but Abby and Nick would freak out if they knew what had happened to me. Mostly they would freak out if they knew who I really was. I thought of my reflection. How my eyes were blue and green and my bangs had a streak of blonde.
Abby released me and smiled. Nick's eyes were locked on not me but Wyatt. "Nick, Abby, meet Wyatt. Wyatt this is Nick and Abby," I looked at the three of them. Wyatt stepped forward and held his hand out to Nick. "Nice to meet you," he said politely. Nick didn't shake his hand, instead he glared at him. "Who are you and why are you with Faith?" he demanded. Nick put his hand back at his side. "Faith already told you I'm Wyatt. I was helping your sister," Wyatt said reassuringly. I butted in, "I'm actually not his sister."
Wyatt looked at me and then back at Nick. "I was helping your friend," Wyatt corrected himself. Nick glared at him still. "Helping her with what?" Nick asked not the least bit politely. Wyatt looked at me for a moment and then at Nick. "She got lost in the woods, I was helping her find you," he lied. Nick looked at me. "Is this true?" he asked looking at me. I nodded. "What were you looking for?" Abby asked me. I gave her a questioning look. "Why do you assume I was looking for something?" I questioned her. She shrugged. "Because you're Faith. You're always looking for something," she looked at Wyatt as she finished her sentence. I quickly replied, "I didn't find anything," I said. I looked at Wyatt. "He found me." That part was true. Wyatt had found me in the building.
Nick still didn't seem pleased to have Wyatt here. "Well thanks for bringing her back. You can go now," Nick grabbed my hand and pulled me to his side. Wyatt nodded. "See you around," he turned and started walking. "Wait! Wyatt helped me and now you're just going to send him away?" Wyatt stopped and looked back at us. I looked up at Nick. "Wyatt can help us," I said. Nick scowled at Wyatt. "Fine, he can stay with us," Nick groaned. Wyatt smiled and walked back over to where we were standing. "Shall we get moving then?" Wyatt asked holding his hand out to me. I gladly took his hand and started to walk. Abby followed us happily and Nick followed us scowling at Wyatt.
We walked until dusk and then finally sat down to rest. "So all these tall, green, papery things are called trees?" I asked Wyatt looking at all the trees. "Yes and these are flowers," he picked a small green stick with soft, bright blue things on the end and handed it to me. "They're beautiful," I said looking at the flower. Wyatt smiled. Abby picked up another flower that was pink. "They smell delicious!" she exclaimed. I smiled at her. This is the best time we had had on a long time, well most of us anyway. Nick was sitting against a tree, a good five feet from us.
I got up and sat next to him. "What's wrong?" I asked him. Nick looked at me and sighed. "Nothing, Fay," I was taken aback when he said 'Fay'. That's what my bother calls-called me. I smirked and handed him the flower. "Well when you're done being sad about 'nothing' come and join us," I got up and joined the others again. Nick smiled and got up. Wyatt smiled at us both. "Should we go to the lake?" he asked. Wyatt earlier had said that a lake was a small body of water that sits in one place. I was kidnapped close to a lake.
I shifted my weight from foot to foot. I really wanted to go, but lakes don't exactly bring back happy memories. Abby nodded excitedly. "Oh yes!" she exclaimed. "I have always wanted to go to the lake!" I rolled my eyes. "Abby you didn't know lakes existed until thirty minutes ago," I informed her. "I know," she said with laugh. "I meant I have always wanted to go since thirty minutes ago." Wyatt smiled at her. I felt a strange pang in my chest. Jealousy. Why weren't his eyes on me? Why wasn't he smiling at me? I shook the thought. I should not be jealous. I don't even know this boy. Yet it feels like I've known him my whole life. "Ok then," I said. "Let's go to the lake!"

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