Chapter 8

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Sorry I haven't up dated in a while!! Last weeks of school! I've been busy! Love ya!

Chapter 8

Nicks P.O.V

"Down." Wyatt said. Well you don't say. Down is the only direction to go! The elevator doors closed and we start to descend. Wyatt turns to look at us. "Ok I'm going to warn you of some things before we get there. One, these people are....different. They aren't normal." I chuckled.

"Hey, if you mean they're hippies or something it's ok. We won't judge." I said, earning a glare from Wyatt. He continued. "Two, once you get there you will all be separated into different categories and then sent to different places."

"SEPARATED?!" I shouted at him.


"No! I'm not leaving my sister and Faith alone in some unknown place!"

"They'll be with me it's fiiine."

"Someone I just freaking met taking care of my sister and my friend an unknown place?! Let me think. NO!"

"Sheesh, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

"I just met you!"

"Ich hasse meine Güte, wenn sie kämpfen. (English: geez I hate when they fight.)" Faith said.

We all looked at her quizzically. "What?" She asked. Wyatt shook his head and looked at me again.

"Anyway, you don't get a say in this." And with that he took my sister and my bestfriend's hand, Faith blushed, and they walked out of the elevator like they owned this place. Maybe he did.

I groaned and walked out after them. Five seconds later a crowd of people were surrounding me. "What? What do you want?" I asked getting irritated.

"He's new! Grab him!" A high pitched voice squealed. Immediately I had hands grabbing me. I heard Wyatt laughing behind me.

"Hey! Get your hands off me!!" I shouted. Wyatt made his way through the crowd. Wait, where's Abby and Faith? Wyatt was now standing directly in front of me.

"OKAY YOU ALL HAVE FIVE SECONDS TO GET BACK TO YOUR POSTS!!" He yelled over the crowds chatter. In the next second they were gone and working again. Wyatt looked pleased and turned to face me. "Did I forget to mention that they love getting newcomers that aren't like them?"

"Yeah, you might have left that out."

He shrugged. "Oh well. It doesn't matter anymore." He started walking away and I quickly followed him. I asked the question that has been nagging at me. "Where's Abby and Faith?"

"At there classified areas." Well thanks, that sure helped.

"Care to explain what you mean?"

He sighed. "Abby is with the Leaders and Faith is...well that's a secret. Anyway I'm going now. Tooda loo too you." He quickly jogged away. Idiot. I walked to a bench and sat down.

Ugh. Why is this place so noisy? I already have a headache. Suddenly two pills on an open palm were inches from my face. I looked up and saw a girl no older then myself, standing there looking down at me.

"Heard you had a headache." She smiled at me. Did I say I had a head ache? I looked at her quizzically. I slowly took the pills from her hand.

"Umm thanks..." She smiled. I like her smile. Actually now that I get a good look at her, she is kind of hot. She has bright red, straight hair, huge, leaf-green eyes, long eyelashes. And she was curvy, not like most girls who are straight up and down, like a pole. Faith is curvy too. But you could drown in this girl's eyes. Dang they're huge!

"I'm Belinda Azar. But you can call me Bel." Bel smiled another flawless smile. I looked her up and down. She was wearing a tight, black T-shirt, that pronounced her boobs and a pair of red, jean booty shorts. I bet she could have any guy fall for her in seconds. Well, except me. I'm still in love with Faith. I am now and always will be.

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