Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
'The only difference between a rut and a grave is their dimensions.'- Ellen Glasgow

Faith P.O.V

I opened my eyes partly and looked around. I remember vividly what happened. Wyatt was struck down and I was kidnapped. I saw two people in front of me laughing. One was driving and one was holding a map. I tried to move, but my hands wouldn't budge. I looked down at them. My hands and feet were bound by two zip ties. I silently scolded myself for getting caught. I glanced back at the two men in the front and paused.
The man holding the map was Liam. My heart picked up speed. I thought he ran back to the facility. What happened to Wyatt? I felt a sharp pain in my skull and gasped. It was a quiet gasp, but it was just loud enough for Liam to hear. "She's awake," he said eyeing me. I sat up and inched away until my back hit a wall. Liam laughed. "Back away all you like runt. It won't help," he got up and crawled over the seat. I narrowed my eyes at him and braced my back against the wall.
He chuckled. "Relax, I'm not going to hurt you," he pulled a first aid kit from his pocket. "I'm going to clean you up, okay?" I wanted to repel from him so bad, but I really needed to be cleaned up. He took a wet wipe package from the first aid kit and ripped it open. He wiped the dirt from my face and scratches. He applied ointment to the wound on my neck so it would stop throbbing.
He was just about to put away the first aid kit when I asked, "Wait, can I get some painkiller? I have a terrible headache." He smirked and took out a pill container. He shook two pills from it and looked at me. "Can you take them dry?" he asked. I nodded. I have always taken my pills dry back at the facility. "Okay," he said. "open up." I opened my mouth and tilted my head back. He put the pills on my tongue and I swallowed them down easily.
"Is that all?" he asked. I nodded and looked away. He turned to go back to his seat. I looked at him again. "Thank you," that was all I said. He glanced back at me over his shoulder and then got back into his seat. I needed to get on his good side. If I were ever going to escape again I needed a strategy. I needed to have a friend on the inside to help me. He looked at me again over his shoulder. I rewarded him by looking back at him with a friendly face, as if to say 'thanks for the painkillers'.

The car came to a stop and Liam came around and opened the back doors. "Time to go," he said taking hold of my arm. "Where are you taking me?" I asked looking at the building before me. It wasn't the facility. It was smaller. "You'll find out soon enough," he said hauling me out of the back of the car. "I didn't fight him. What was the point of fighting if you knew you had no chance?
He guided me inside the building and into what looked like a check in area. The lady behind the desk smiled at Liam. "Hello Mr. Black, nice to see you," she looked at me. "Is this the special one you were after? I've never met one of the special ones before." If someone didn't tell me what they meant by 'special one' soon I'm going to punch a wall. "Yes this is it," Liam said giving me a little nudge. 'It'. Like I'm some sort of alien.
The lady extended a hand to me. "Hi, I'm Cory," she said beaming at me. Cory looked about twenty and she was tall, very tall. She had amber hair and hazel eyes. I didn't return her smile or her handshake. Her smile faded away. "Does it talk?" she looked at Liam for an answer. He chuckled. "Of course she talks, Cory. She isn't an alien you know," he smiled at me. To my own surprise I returned it, sort of. His smile seemed so perfect. My smile I knew was crooked and broken. "Well I better get her down to her room," he took my arm again. Cory nodded and handed him what looked like a regular room key. He smiled at her one last time and led me down the hall. As we walked down the halls I took note of all the turns we made. Left, right, right, left, right. He stopped at a door labeled: 213.
He opened the door and gestured for me to go in. I looked at him and then at the pitiful room before me. It was barely five feet wide and long. I walked in and looked around. There was a narrow bed in the left corner and a small toilet and sink in the right. I looked at the toilet with narrow eyes, gross. I sighed and sat on the bed. Right as I sat down a huge puff of dust came off the bed. I coughed and coughed until finally the dust settled back down.
I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes. I waited for sleep, but it never came. I thought of my book that I left back at the facility. I don't know why I forgot it. Luckily I remember each and every word of advice. The word of advice that came to me now was: 'If you can't sleep, then get up and do something instead of lying there and worrying. It's the worry that gets you, not the loss of sleep.'- Dale Carnegie. I got up and looked around. There wasn't much to this little room. It had a bed, sink, and toilet.
My hands were still bound, so first I need to unbind my hands. I looked around for something that could cut the zip ties. I looked closely at around the bed and sink. Nothing. I was just about to give up when I looked at the wall. There was a jagged piece of concrete sticking out from it. I silently celebrated and went over to the wall. I put my bound hands just close enough to the jagged piece so it was touching the zip ties, but not me. I started moving my hands up and down quickly and the pavement started to saw away at the zip ties.
The zip ties got down to their last strands and I pulled them apart. I massaged my wrists where the zip ties had been rubbing me. Now that my hands were free I needed to find an escape route. I knew the door was locked and there were no windows. I thought for I minute and then looked at the air vent. I knew I was small, but was I that small? Only one way to find out. I stood on the bed and closed my hands around the air vent bars. I pulled as hard as humanly possible. The bars came off without a fight. I quietly set the bars down on the bed and hauled myself up and into the vent. It was a small vent, but I was even smaller. I started to crawl down the shadowy vent.
I crawled until I reached a set of vent bars I could see through. I looked through the bars. It was another room like the one I had been locked in, except this one had a 'girl' in it. The girl didn't look like a girl though, she was mutated. Her body was misshaped and one of her eyes were missing. I frowned at the site. What happened to this poor girl? She looked like she had been melted.
The girl sat on her bed. She was holding something. I leaned closer to the bars so I could see it better. In her hands the girl held a photo of a man and a woman. She hugged the photo and started to cry. I looked away. Those people must have been her parents. If she had parents why was she here? Did she get stolen and then taken here? I wasn't sure what happened, but I knew something. This girl had parents and she was now alone in a cell.
I promised myself that I would help her once I had help. I kept moving down the vent and kept peering through the bars of each vent. I stopped when I heard an alarm go off and a man yell, "Unit 132 had escaped! Find it!" I moved as fast as I could through the vent, but I only had crawled a few more feet when I heard: "It went through the vents!" and then another man say, "I heard something in the vents over here!" I heard footsteps coming my way. I crawled faster. I would not be caught, I would not be caught. A gun went off. I cried out as a bullet hit my leg.
"We've got it! It's right here," I felt a person hit the ceiling and a piece of ceiling break away. This is it, they've found me again. It was foolish of me to think that I could escape. I thought of another saying from my book. 'The moment you're born you're done for.'- Arnold Bennett. Well isn't that the truth, I would think so at this point. Another hit, another piece of ceiling gone. I tried to crawl again. I gasped as pain seared through my leg. It felt like fire.
They hit the ceiling one last time and it gave away. I fell ten feet to the hard tile floor. I landed on my stomach and all the air left my lungs. I wheezed and rolled onto my back. There were two men in black uniforms already hauling me to my feet. The wound on my leg was still bleeding a lot and I was starting to feel dizzy. "it is losing a lot of blood sir," said one of the men who hauled me up. "Then get her to the infirmary, but make sure she can't escape again," the voice who spoke was familiar, the voice was Liam's.
I looked around through hazy eyes. Liam was stand a few feet away with his arms crossed over his chest and an irritated look on his face. At first I thought he was irritated because I tried to escape, but then he said to a man next to him, "Why did you shoot her? You could have killed her." The man set his jaw. "It would have gotten away if I hadn't, sir," the man stood up straight and didn't make eye contact with Liam. "You could have killed her," he repeated angrily. The man made eyes contact with him at that and said, "That's a chance I was willing to take, sir."
I thought I might have finally won him over as a friend. But that thought soon ended when Liam said, "She's a special one! Do you have any idea what would happen if we killed one of the only ones left?" I looked down sadly. So he only wants me alive because I'm 'special' and I still don't know what that means. When the man didn't reply Liam looked over at the two men restraining me. "Take her to the infirmary, now," he said in a stern voice. They nodded and were about to turn and head down the hall when Liam said, "Wait, I need to have a word with her." The guards turned back around so I was facing Liam.
"Don't ever pull something like that again," he stood just inches from me and I could feel his anger towards me. I gulped and nodded. "Good," he looked at the guards and nodded once. The guards turned and half carried, half dragged me down the hall.

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