Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Nicks POV

It's been three days since I was captured. They haven't interrogated me a second time yet, they also haven't found Faith yet. I laid on the old, rickety bed in the corner of the room. I had so much on my mind, like: How am I getting out of here? What are they gonna do to Faith? But the most important question is: Is Faith in a relationship with Wyatt??

Someone entered the room. I sat up and saw a guy, around my age with glasses, standing in front of me. He was wearing a black, skin tight T-shirt(and he's really buff, if I might add) and black cargo pants with, again, a black belt. What's up with these people a black?

He scowled down at me. "This is my little Faith's bestfriend? Pathetic." His little Faith? What drugs was this guy on?

I spat at him. Ya know, cause he's being a jerk. He looked at me in disgust and brought back his foot to kick me. Right as he was about to kick me an older man, dressed in the same outfit as this dude, came in.

"Sir, haben wir das Mädchen entfernt. Sie ist derzeit auf der Ostseite des Waldes.(English: Sir, we've located the girl. She is currently on the east side of the forest.)" He spoke in German.

"Okay, meine beste Spion und solider da draußen.(English: Alright, get my best spy and solider out there.)" The guy in front if me replied.

"Ja, Sir.(English: Yes, Sir.)" The man walked back out the door.

I looked at the guy standing in front of me, I noticed that he has a small name tag that says Adrian. "What was that about? Did you hurt your face, again?" I asked.

"Again? What do you mean aga-" I cut him off by punching Adrain in the jaw, as hard as I could. He stumbled back a few steps and then caught his balance. His fist came swinging at me.

I ducked out of the way and hit him in the stomach. He hunched over, making his face the perfect target. I punched him and heard a satisfying crunch. I broke his nose.

He held his hand to his face as blood poured like a river from his nose. Serves him right. I walked over to the open door and ran.

Mystery person's P.OV

"Daren! Donovan!" I yelled. Daren is my top solider and Donovan is my best spy. They ran into the room.

"Yes, sir?" they said in unison.

"Boys I need you to track down a Special for me."

Daren sighed. "I thought we were done capturing them, sir."

"This is no ordinary Special. She is the ultimate Special."

"If you don't mind me asking, sir, what do you mean she's the "ultimate" Special?" Donovan asked.

"I mean she has every power, but she doesn't know that. And you know what that means?"

"That she's an idiot?" Daren said.

"No. You imbecile!" I hit him on the head with a folder. "It means she can't access them. Now get out there and bring her back, alive! You may hurt her a little if a please, but she must be alive when she arrives!!"

They nodded and left.

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