Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Wyatt P.O.V

I scanned the forest line with a scowl. I can't believe I have to keep watch with this guy. I ran my hands through my hair in frustration. I shot Nick a sharp glance. "Do you have to be such a pain?" I asked him in a cold tone. Nick met my gaze. "I'm the pain?" he sounded incredulous.
Nick gave an exasperated sigh. Nick is so annoying. And does he have a thing for Faith? Not that I care, but isn't he her brother?
"We should leave before dawn," Nick interrupted my thoughts.
I nodded. "Ok we aren't far from the village anyway."
"Good because I'm starving!" Nick complained. I swear I'll kill him if he complains about being starved again. I haven't eaton since last week!!
"I'm gonna wake up Faith," I got up. And guess what? He stood up and got in front of me! I have to really keep some restraint on myself so I don't latch out and murder him. "Let me guess you want to wake her up?" I asked sarcastically. He rolled his eyes.
"No, I want want to wake both of them up." He paused. "And the dog."

"The dog too? I might as well not even be the help anymore!"

"So you don't have to stay then! Perfect shoo shoo, now."

"Vaaaaaat?!" I said in the best accent I could. Nick prodded me down the grassy hill and towards the woods. I turned and punched him in the gut. Nick doubled over and I leaned down to whisper in his ear. "No one tells me what to do. You're in my territory now."

He shot me a glare and straightened up. I smirked at me and walked over to where Faith lay. "Faith, wakey wakey, eggs and bacy." She immediately sat up and her her burst open.

"Bacon?" She asked looking around frantically. I chuckled. Adorable. I mentally slapped myself. No not adorable, I don't even know her! But she is pretty....

"Ugh, shut up!" I practically yell.

Faith blinks at me. "What?"

Crap. "Nothing, never mind." I mutter.

"Okay?" She gets up and brushes herself off. "So where are we headed?"

"My village, follow me." I start walking towards the lake. "Nick, hurry and wake your sister!" He mumbles an okay and walks to his sleeping sister. Once we reach the lake I tell them to stand back. I silently look for a particular skipping stone. I finally spot it near the wet sand.
I pick it up and get ready to throw it. I hear a snicker behind me. I turn to see it was no other than Nick. Peachy. "Something funny, blonde?" I ask irritated.

"No, no. I just didn't know that we would be learning to throw stones."

"Well Sherlock, if you would shut that hole you call a mouth, I could show you what I'm actually doing."

He puts his hands up in surrender sarcastically. I glare at him and get ready to throw the rock again. I take a deep breath and throw. The stone skips one, two, three, four, five, six, seven times. We all stare at the water for a minute. Then, in middle of the lake a cylinder-like object rises.

"What's that?" Faith and Abby ask unison. I smirk, still gazing at the lake. "That's the entrance to my village." Everyone was silent for a moment. Then.

"AWESOME!!" Faith shouted and ran into the water. She started to swim towards the entrance. Nicks eyes widen at her outburst.

"Faith! Come back here right now!"

"No!" She keeps swimming. Nick's face flushed. I smirk at him and then jump into the water after Faith. I love how spontaneous she is! Wait, did I really just think that? Dang it! Shut up self! Oh great now I'm talking to myself!

Abby was quick to follow, but Nick stayed where he was. Faith turned to face him. "Aren't you coming?" She yelled. He scowled and reluctantly jumped in.

"Dang, it's cold." He said through chattering teeth. I rolled my eyes and kept swimming.

Once we finally reached the entrance everyone gathered around the closed doors. Next to the doors was a button with an arrow pointed down.

"The entrance to your village is an elevator?" Nick asked. I nodded and pressed the button. The doors opened with a ding. We all stepped in. I pressed another button that had the number one on it.

"Where are we going?" Abby asked.


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