S - Burning Anger

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"Sam? What's wrong?" Lou asked as i walking into the kitchen, fists clenched and absolute despair making my throat feel as if it was tied shut and my stomach do backflips.

I didn't answer Lou, i kept my head down and picked up my plate, making me way out of the kitchen to go back upstairs. Lou put her hand on my shoulder to stop me. I didn't turn around.

"Samiya, put your plate down and come into the living room, let's talk about this." She said, her voice full of concern. I put the plate on the table, and as I turned to Lou, I suddenly broke down.

I cried into Lou's jumper as she hugged me. I clung to her like a little kid, completely breaking down. When we broke away from the hug, I saw Cara standing awkwardly in the kitchen doorway.

"Sam-" she tried, but I cut her off.

"No! Leave me the fuck alone! I hate you! You're not my friend, you're nothing to me! Your parents don't even want you, that's why they dumped you here! Why do you ruin everything!" I screamed at her, tears running freely down my face. I didn't care enough to wipe my eyes.

I couldn't see properly, my vision blurred with tears and burning anger, but what I did see was that I hurt Cara. she stood clicking her nails, not making eye contact with me. But I felt no remorse.

I stormed out of the room. Lou called after me, but didn't follow me. She probably decided to let me cool off, which was a good idea. I sat went into the garden, and kicked Lola's ball angrily across the turf. It hit the swing and bounced off, rebounding and hitting Skye's bike.

I kicked the nearest dog toy, and even the loud squeak it made as it hit the garden fence annoyed me. I wanted to scream, but instead i broke down again. I sat on the grass, hugging my knees and sobbing.

Lola ran up to me, licking my hands in an attempt to get me to uncover my face. I took my hands off my face and she took the opportunity to lick my face. I laughed, Lola's affection cheering me up a bit. if there was one thing i couldn't resist, it was Lola.

I stroked her gently, still crying though I smiled. "Oh Lola, what do i do?" I sighed, picking her up and holding her close. She tried to lick my tears away, am I laughed at the ticklish feel of her tongue on my face.

"Ew! Lola!" I laughed, putting her down. She laid down on my feet, looking up at me. I smiled at her, stroking her head.

"Samiya?" said Lou, standing in the doorway to the back garden.

I looked up at her. "I'm sorry, Lou, I just-" i began, but she started shaking her head. she came and sat next to me, and put one arm around me. I leant my head on her shoulder.

"What happened? you seemed pretty distraught, I've heard Cara's side of this, but what's yours?" she asked. Her voice was always calming and never condescending. Sometimes I trusted Lou more than my own mum.

"She kissed my best friend, you know Nova? just to get to me! and then, she gave George her number and he dumped me for her! she's trying to ruin my life because her parents don't want her!" I ranted, feeling the anger rise in my stomach again.

"Anything else you want to get out?"She asked.

"I'm just pissed off, i had everything going great until Cara came into my life. Nova won't even talk to me, i've lost my boyfriend, and I have the bitch that caused it all sleeping on my pull out bed!" i cried.

"Im sorry that happened Sam, you know you can always talk to me." Lou offered her sympathy. I put an arm around her.

"Thank you Lou. do I have to eat dinner with her?" I asked.

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