S - The Nova Thing

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I must have spent an hour just staring at the ceiling, allowing my mind to wander and go back over everything that happened in that coffee shop, everything that had happened when we lived with dad. I let myself stay in that sad, placid state until my phone rang.

i picked up to hear a familiar voice on the other line.


"hey Nova"

"my mums out, and i've got netflix, do you wanna come hang out?"

"uh, sure, give me about half an hour and i'll be round"

"okay. bye Sam"


I hung up and just stayed there, lying on my bed staring at the ceiling, until my fear of lateness kicked in and i grabbed my hoodie and handbag, then wandered downstairs.

Instead of the usual sound of Sophia and Skye playing, the house was silent. I entered the kitchen, looking for Kaden, and saw Lou, head in her hands, sitting at the table.

She didn't look up at me, so I softly spoke to her."Lou?"

"Hey Sam, sorry, what's up?" She looked up, quickly wiping tears with the sleeve of her jumper.

"I was gonna ask if I could go to Nova's. are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good. Lady things, right? Have fun at Nova's" She smiled.

"Sure. Thanks Lou. If you need anything, you can talk to me" I offered.

"Thanks Sam" She said, a happy face but sad eyes. She stood up. "I need to go pick up the girls from their friend's, do you want a lift to Nova's?" She asked.

"Sure, thanks" I said. Lou picked up her coat from the hook in the hallway, and we got in her car. The floor was littered with mcdonald's toys, kids drawings and sweet wrappers. The aftermath of being the twins' private chauffeur.

"this floor's filthy." Lou said to herself, tossing a plastic mermaid onto the floor. She locked the door when i got in and began to drive. "The girls are at Micheal Harris' house, apparently they painted his nails last time and his mother had a fit" Lou told me.

"Oh god, I can imagine." I laughed a little.

"Mrs Harris was very rude, she told me 'i know in your home you don't support traditional family values, but i don't appreciate your girls bringing that into our home', what a cow" Lou added, doing her best stuck-up voice to quote Mrs Harris.

Mrs Harris, the mother of the twins' best friend Micheal, was a nasty lady. Racist, homophobic, all the prejudice you can think of, so of course she hated the little afro-latina twins with a bisexual mum and sister being best friends with her little boy. She hated Lou and Mum, and barely tolerated the twins. Her hatred was almost funny.

"good luck with Mrs Harris, see you later Lou" I said as Lou parked by Nova's house.

I got out and waved to her. "Bye Sam, have a good time" She waved back and drove off.

I knocked on Nova's door and the door opened practically seconds after. Nova held the door open, smiling warmly. "Hey Sam" She said, beaming.

"Hey" I returned her smile and stepped inside.

"I've really missed spending time with you" She said, taking my hand in hers and leading me to her huge living room. A vast array of various pillow, blankets and soft toys were arranged on the rug, and just in front of this was a collection of snacks. "Ta dah!" Nova grinned, gesturing to the living room floor. "I thought you might need a little pick-me-up"

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