S - Dreaming

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I drifted into sleep in Cara's arms. It was nice and warm, and felt like safety.

No matter how safe you feel, you can't control dreams.

I drifted through a long empty hallway. The walls weren't painted, they were just black bricks, and the floor looked like a void I could fall through. The atmosphere felt sticky. There was an air of impermanence around, like it could disappear any moment, taking me with it. I felt like I was late. I had no time left.

I reached a dead end, a sterile white wall. The sound of sirens were suffocating. Everything around me was fast and blinding, while I was slow and out of place. Two doors faced me. I had to open one of them, and leave.

The door on the left slammed open. There was Kaden. He had his arms outstretched, to rescue me, but he also had completely black eyes. I jumped back in fear, stopped from fleeing as he grabbed my wrist. "Come back to us, Samiya" he said in a sing song, mocking tone.

My dad approached behind him, and grabbed his neck, like he was about to snap it. All of a sudden, Kaden's usual hazel eyes were back, and he screamed, desperately trying to pull himself away from dad. He cried and cried, his tears black like oil, dripping and covering my hand that he still held. His tears burned.

I pulled away, slamming the door in his face.

I gently, cautiously opened the second door. my whole body felt like it was burning. The door opened out to a field of flowers, and Cara stood in the doorway. My mum, Lou, and the twins were playing tag in the field. I felt joy, comfort, release from that awful hallway and other door. As I tried to step towards Cara, she recoiled in horror.

"Ugh! Whats that?" She screamed, pointing at the black tears on my wrist. I felt sick. My arm was almost completely covered in the tears, and it had seeped through to my clothes, which I now noticed was a pale blue hospital gown with a red X in marker on the middle. I looked down at myself and saw that the black tears were coming from my eyes, and dripping down me.

"Stay away from me!" She shouted, a little too aggressive, a little too loud, a little too sharp, to truly be Cara.

"Cara, please!" I begged her to accept me, to let me through the door, but instead she ran away. I couldn't see her any more. I stepped through the door and saw that every flower my feet touched turned black and died. I was ruining everything.

I was ruining everything.

Dad was behind me. He grabbed my neck like he had with Kaden. The field had turned black with my tears, and my family who were once playing happily, were drowning as the water level rose. Kaden stood in front of me, covered in black tears, with his arms outstretched. "You're ruining everything" he smiled a sickly sweet smile. It was too big, too fake, like a creepy cartoon. I wanted to fight back, but I couldn't. My whole body froze and went limp.

The water level rose, until I was struggling to keep my head above. All I could see was black, I kept slipping below the surface and then desperately swimming back up. The liquid became thick, like syrup. Dad's hands were gone, I swam away, but I was so slow, so tired.

I tried and tried to swim away, I heard him cursing and screaming behind me, getting closer, closer, closer.

Then he grabbed my shoulders and drowned me.


Hi loves!
I'm sorry for the hiatus, I hope you like this chapter! Also, I know this is short but this is only the first part of this chapter, I'll publish the second part in an hour or so (whenever I finish my coursework :/ )
Thanks for all the continued support, please comment any feedback & don't forget to vote!
Love u all!
Leigh xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2019 ⏰

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