S- Stronger Than She Looks

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I emerged from the water to see Dylan clapping and laughing. Cara popped up next to me, almost panicky. I put my arms around her waist to steady her. She put her arms around my shoulders and started laughing with Dylan. I laughed too.

Mariah, Cassie and a bunch of other kids were clapping. Me and Cara climbed out of the pool to the Cassie , who was waiting with towels. I wrapped a towel around myself and then bowed jokingly at the other kids.

"let's never ever do that again" Cara joked. I just laughed.

"that was awesome, what's your name?" Said a guy who approached me and Cara.

"Samiya, but most people call me Sam" I introduced myself. "and this is Cara"

"Oh, I know Cara" He laughed.

"Hi Tyler" Cara smirked.

"So, Sam, Do you want to go get a drink?" Tyler asked.

"Sure. see you in a bit Cara" I smiled back at Cara and walked off with Tyler.

We walked inside and he handed me a drink that was sitting on the table. He poured his own from the punch bowl, and we sat together on the sofa. I tasted the drink. It was fruity, but had a slightly salty taste to it. I decided to ignore it, as my throat hurt and i just wanted something to drink.

"So, how do you know Mercedes?" He asked.

"I don't, I came as Cara's plus one" I explained.

"Are you too a thing then?" Tyler questioned.

"Oh god no, She's just, a friend" I said, hesitant.

"So you're single?" he smirked.

"Yeah, and you?" I asked.

He put his arm around me. "I'm single if you want me to be" He smirked.

"What's the supposed to mean?" I joked.

"I'm saying that is change my relationship status for you, you know?" He joked, seeming a little awkward. "Don't worry about it" He quickly added.

"Ew, you're with someone, aren't you?" I questioned him.

"No, uh, not really" He said, going a little red.

"ugh, thanks for this drink, but I'm gonna find Cara now" I dismissed him. I stood up, and suddenly felt very lightheaded. I stumbled and steadied myself on the wall. My vision blurred a little, and I felt hands steadying me.

"you okay beautiful?" Tyler asked, helping me stand.

I pushed him off. "I'm fine" I said, trying to get away. He held me tight, and pinned me to the wall.

"Come on baby, don't be so coy" He smirked, resting his body weight on me.

"Get off Tyler" I protested, my voice slurred.

"Don't talk like that gorgeous" He said. he tried to kiss me, but I turned my head.

"Leave me alone" I tried, my vision starting to blur. I tried to push him off but i felt as if the strength was leaving my body.

"Come on Samiya, lighten up" He said softly, his hands moving down my body.

I barely managed to say "no" as my vision blurred. I could only hear as my sight was almost gone.

Suddenly I heard a shout, a crash, and something shatter. The feeling of Tyler's body on mine was gone. I felt my body collapse onto the ground.

"Get the fuck off her! You fucking pig!" I heard someone shout.

As my consciousness faded, i heard someone remark "Shit, she's stronger than she looks".

The last thing I felt was caring arms holding me.

The Unforgettable SummerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ