S(continued)- Safe

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I woke up to someone stroking my hair. As I opened my eyes, I saw Cara lying next to me, her eyes full of tears.

"Sam?" she asked as my eyes opened.

"Yeah?" I managed an almost inaudible word.

"Oh Sam, I was so worried! I'm sorry about Tyler, i think he spiked your drink, he's such a dick, i gave him a broken nose and he broke Mercedes' vase with his face and I promise I'll never let him hurt you again!" Cara rambled.

"I'm just so glad you're safe" She smiled sincerely.

"Thank you" I smiled, grateful. I felt so glad to see her face, and hear her voice. I'd never felt like this about her, or anyone, before.

I sat up a little and realised her arm was around me. She seemed to realise at the same time and pulled her arm away, her face going red.

I smiled and took her hand in mine, placing her arm back around my shoulders. She turned a brighter shade of red and tried to cover her smile with her other hand. I laid my head on her shoulder and relaxed in her arms.

She held me a little closer and I felt so at ease. I had never really got close to anyone before, but this felt so natural and I didn't have any nerves. It felt as if we just fitted into place and it was normal for us to be like this. I had hated her days ago, why now did she make me feel so safe?

"Sam?" she asked, interrupting the silence.

"Yeah?" I replied, reluctant to look at her in case I felt more emotions that I didn't know how to deal with.

"I-" she began, losing the ability to find her words.

"It's okay" I reassured her.

"It's not, it's- I-  oh, sam" She sighed, unable to articulate what she wanted to say.

I laughed a little. "Same" I said.

"Do you wanna escape for an hour or so? Mercedes has disgusting breakfast stuff, we could get mcdonald's pancakes or something, it's on me" She rambled, her voice quickening as she got nervous.

"Sure, Did we stay all night?" I asked.

"You were out cold, so I brought you up here, with Simon's help, and you- we, um, spend the night here" She explained.

"here, like, here?" I gestured to the bed. She nodded.

"sorry, i probably should have asked for a separate bed, but i wanted to keep you safe and i didn't want to ask for another bed and Tyler was staying too so i didn't want him coming near you and-" Her voice raced again.

"Hey, it's okay, i'm happy you stayed with me, it would have sucked to wake up alone in a strange house" I reassured her. I was genuinely glad she had stayed with me.

"I'm gonna get my jacket, and we can get going" I said, standing up.

We made our way downstairs. Tyler, Mercedes, Dylan and Cassie were in the living room. Tylers nose was all bandaged up and his face was bruised. Mercedes was sitting on his lap, and Dylan had her arm around Cassie. There were few other teenagers sat around the living room, and they all stared at me and Cara was we reached the landing.

"Hey Cara, Hey Samantha" Mercedes smiled and waved at us.

"Her name's Samiya" Tyler corrected her, smirking at me.

"You girls staying for breakfast?" Mercedes asked, dismissing Tyler.

"We're gonna go out for breakfast, but thank you" Cara politely declined.

"That's where Bentley is" Dylan giggled.

"What happened to him?" Cara asked.

"He saw Mercedes with Tyler and got all upset, then he said he was 'going for breakfast', I think he was just going to smoke weed in his truck in the mcdonald's car park" Cassie laughed.

Mercedes smirked a little and looked at Tyler, who grabbed her ass. I felt like i was gonna throw up.

"Anyway, we need to go, bye, thanks for having us Mercedes" I said, grabbing my jacket from the hook on the wall. Cara followed me out.

"Sam, i'm sorry" She said as she hurried out the house after me.

"It's okay. You don't have to be sorry, it's Tyler that's a fucking asshole" I cussed, anger building. I kicked a nearby empty bottle in my frustration, and launched it into the road.

I felt cara's hand in my shoulder. A wave of serenity came from her touch and made me feel safe. It was weird. "Sam, please" She said softly. I turned to her and saw tears in her eyes.

"Cara, i'm sorry" I said, suddenly feeling heavy guilt weight me down like my heart suddenly weighed a ton.

"It's okay, you just scared me a little" Cara said, looking down at her feet.

"I'm really sorry, it's just seeing Tyler pisses me off. Should we find this mcdonald's?" I asked, hastily changing the subject. My guilt was uncomfortable and I wanted to ignore it. Like a coward.

"Just down the road" Cara answered. She took my hand in hers, and little apprehensive. Her eyes met mine and she went to pull her hand away, but I stopped her. She smiled at her feet as she held my hand again. Then we walked to mcdonald's.


ahhhh cute love stuff!
are you guys enjoying this? I hope you are because I love writing about these two!
Sam and Cara are probably two of my favourite characters i've ever written! They're very real and cute ahhh!
(also Tyler is my least favourite character in this book he's gross)
Anyways, have a good day and i love you all so much!
if you need me, message me, and if not, see you in the next update!
~Leigh xo

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