S - My Dad

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10am, Costa Coffee, Kaden will be there. going home at 12.

I recited the details of meeting dad over and over in my head when i woke up. Cara was cuddled up to me, sleeping. I looked down at her, grateful for her presence. I wished she could be with me when i met my dad.

I absently stroked her soft blonde hair as my mind wandered. All those years of dad's bullshit, all those years of recovering, and he's back. He found me.

When I came out of my reverie, I saw Cara was awake, absently drawing little circles on my hand with her fingertip, staring at the painted stars on my ceiling.

I looked at her and she smiled. "Morning" she said, in a cute sleepy voice. I was falling so hard for her.

"Morning" I replied with a smile.

"Today will be fine" She said softly. "I promise"

"You don't know that" I sighed.

"I'm going to Costa with Mariah, we're gonna on a table somewhere near you as just get some drinks, so if anything goes down, we're there. And I can text your mum, or cause a distraction" She said excitedly, like she had the best plan in the universe.

It was reassuring that she would be there, so I agreed.

"Cool" She beamed. "I'm gonna make you breakfast, come downstairs" She said. I followed her, a stupid smile on my face. How did this girl make me smile on the day that could be the worst day of my life?

20 minutes later i was sitting at the table and presented with a plate of pancakes. "Pancakes!" Sophia squealed as she ran into the room alan saw my plate.

"I made them, would you like some?" Cara asked Sophia sweetly.

"Yes! I'm gonna go get Skye! Thanks Sam's girlfriend!" She giggled, and ran off.

"My girlfriend?" I laughed a little. I loved the sound of 'Sam's girlfriend'. It sounded right.

"Kaden made a joke about it and Sophia wouldn't let it go" She explained, smiling, yet this smile wasn't as bright as her other smiles. was i overanalysing?

"right. Are you gonna eat?" I asked her.

"Nah, i'm okay" She brushed it off,turning back to the mixing bowl.

"Cara, you have to eat breakfast" I pressed the matter.

"I'll have a smoothie later. Don't stress over me, today is about you and Kaden and your dad"Cara dismissed my concern. I decided to leave it, she seemed uncomfortable.

"Talking about me? I don't blame you" Kaden yawned as he walked in, smirking at Cara. She laughed a little at him.

"Ooh, Pancakes" He said, wandering over to the pan.

"Sit down and i'll make you some" Cara said, flipping the pancake with ease and a loud hiss as it hit the pan.

"Alright Mum" Kaden joked, sitting next to me.

Sophia and Skye raced into the kitchen, practically skidding across the floor. "Pancakes!" They squealed. They both climbed up onto chairs next to each other and began drumming their knives and forks on the table, chanting "Pancakes! Pancakes!"

Cara turned around with two plates of pancakes. "Sorry, what did you girls want?" She teased.

"Pancakes!" They shouted, and Cara put the plates in front of them.

"what's with you today?" I joked.

"i'm just being nice!" Cara smiled. "you want syrup?" she asked, holding up the bottle.

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