Part Two

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Tia's POV

I woke up around 3 in the morning in Connor's bed whilst Murphy and Connor were sitting on my bed which is in the middle waiting for me to wake up, i guess they just put me on the first bed they could get me to, they had worried expressions on their faces until the realised i'd woke up and they rushed up and Murphy kissed my head then so did Connor, "how you doing love?" Connor asked me. I quickly grabbed my face as it just suddenly went into pain, "oh s**t yeah we probably should have stitched that up I wasn't even thinking" Connor said. a minute later I'm sitting on Murphy's lap because he knows how much I hate stitches, I'm one of those people that are really really bad with pain and don't handle it well, so i was sitting on Murphy's lap and holding his wrist while Connor was about to put stitches in, if I didn't put these in it would get infected or just become a huge horrible scar or it would just get worse and worse, they knew I needed these stitches and there was no other option, so when he went to go close to my face with the needle I ran off of Murphy's knee and fell becsuse of my sore leg.

Murphys POV

"Tia please don't make me hold you down, it would kill me to have to do that, you need these stitches end of story, either way you're getting them, just please sit beside me and let Connor do this" I said to my sister, I really didn't want to do it but it will be dangerous for her if she doesn't let Connor give her stitches. "Murphy no, I'm not getting stitches I'll be fine without them, please I don't need them." She said knowing she did need them, she was just too scared of the pain, "Tia, listen to me now, you're getting these stitches wether you like it or not, just sit beside me and it'll be over and done with in minutes, its not that bad getting stitches" I said in a more Serious tone, to say I wasn't joking about, "Murphy, what if I get stitches later, I don't need them just now, i can do them on my own" she said trying to put it off for as long as possible. I knew she wasn't gonna let us give her the stitches so I just grabbed her arms and I knew that when connor got near her with the needle she'd pass out, she passes out whenever she has anxiety, I hated using that against her but its for her own good, she tried for a minute to wiggle her way out but it didn't work then a few seconds later she passed out, I carried her onto her bed and held her hand while Connor was doing the stitches, such a big drama over something me and Connor would have over and done with in minutes if one of us need stitches, about half an hour later she woke up and she walked over to me acting normal then next thing I know she smashed my head off the wall, then Connor grabbed her wrist and threw her onto the bed, and she went in a little mood, which me and Conn found hilarious, "aww she's in a wittle mood wif us" Connor said mocking her, "maybe if we're vewwy vewwy nice she'll forgive us" I said with a fake sad face, I looked over and I could see a slight smile form because she was trying not to laugh, eventually she burst out laughing with that weird ass lauh she has that makes me and Connor laugh, me and Connor then ran over to her, I picked her up and Conner started tickling her, until she started choking on her own saliva from laughing, so of course me a Connor burst out laughing, we set Her down on the bed "you guys are so annoying, you know that right?" She said whilst laughing, a little while later, around 4:15 we were all lying in our beds, just talking to eschother in the dark, she told me she has bruises in her wrist noe from when i was holding her, i felt bad, and then Tia told us she felt unsafe, like she felt something bad was going to happen.

Connor's POV

"Listen love, nothing's gonna happen to you, you're with us we'll protect you, if you're that worried you can sleep in with one of us for tonight, if it makes you feel safer" I said trying to reassure my terrified sister, also whilst turning on the lamp, so she could See to stand up, "thanks conn, sorry for being such a scaredy cat all the time, I don't mean it, I try and be like you two but it doesn't work, I'll never be as brave as yous, or as strong or as smart as yous, I'll never be able to handle pain like you guys do, you probably wish I wasn't your sister, I understand if you're embarrassed of me" she said whilst looking down, it broke my heart when she said that, I looked over to Murphy and I could tell it broke Murphs heart too, we looked over to her and then stood up and walked over to her bed and sat down, I put my arm on her shoulder and pulled her into a hug, she didn't hug back she just kind of lay there, "Tia, nothing you do, could ever, ever, make us embarrased of you, okay? We love you for you, and don't you ever doubt that, you're the most amazing girl we know and we wouldn't change you for the world, you're perfect the way you are." Murphy said whilst looking at her, she wasn't looking at any of us though, her head was buried in my chest so she was facing away from both of us, I rested my head on top of hers and looked over to Murphy, then looked at tia for a second and looked back up again, " you're saying you're not like us, that's true, you're nothing like us except we all look alike, but the truth is you're better than us, and about not being smart, or strong, or brave, you're all those things and so much more, you're creative, cheery, and you can make anyone smile just by walking in the room, you're laugh makes everyone else laugh and we love it, you're funny, kind, beautiful 'taking after your brothers of course' and I love you, Murphy loves you, Rocco, doc, we all love you for the weird little person you are" I said to her, everything I said was true, Murphy looked over at me and just nodded, she than sat up and just hugged up both then she came to my bed and we fell asleep back to back.

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