Part Six

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I woke up the next morning on the couch and Murphy Conn and Rocco were sprawled out at different parts of the floor asleep, I woke them up and then went and used Rocco's shower, when I came out Rocco and Connor were gone, I dried my hair and got dressed and murph and I headed down, when we got down there Rocco and Connor seemed to be in an argument or something I couldn't really tell, but I'm assuming it was about the whole thing that Rocco's boss only gave him 6 bullets when there were 9 people, "where the f*ck are you goin'?" Murphy asked, "did you tell him?" I asked looking at Connor, "of course I f*ckin' told him" Connor said, "well then what the f*ck?" Murphy said, "you guys don't know that sh*t for sure!" Rocco said, "you're such a f*cking retard!" Murphy shouted, "Hey, fuck you!" Rocco said pushing Murphy, murphy pushed him back, "man use your f*ckin brain for once!" I shouted, "language!" Connor said hitting me across the back of the head, "Is it so believable that they don't f*ckin' care about ya?" Murphy said holding him against the wall, Rocco pushed him off, "yeah, you three fuckin' micks know what's goin' on huh? Fuck you all!" Rocco shouted, "this is not the fuckin' thing you should gamble on, all right?" I shouted, for once my brothers didn't tell me to watch my language and slap me across the back of my head like usual, "I'm the f*ck outta here" Rocco shouted, "fine! F*ck it! What kind of flowers you want at your funeral ya dumb wop?" Murphy shouted, "its the last time I'm gonna see you!" I followed, "I'll be back at 9, bury the f*ckin cat!" He shouted walking across the road, "listen you get in there and you start getting a bad vibe you get the f*ck out quick!" I yelled, this time earning a slap across the back of the head.

We sat around the table waiting eagerly for something to happen, then the phone rang, murphy grabbed it and picked it up and I put my ear up to it too, "hello?" He said "Murph" rocco said, "hey roc, you okay?" Murphy asked, "anybody call for me?" He asked, "No, man. Are you sure you're okay?" Murphy asked, "I'm f*ckin fine. Catch you on the flip side" he said weirdly, Murphy slammed the phone down and I sat back down in between my brothers, The the door opened, 2 woman came piling in, either drunk or high as hell, I looked at Sean and he was just as disgusted as I was, "here, kitty kitty kitty" she called out, whoops.

I fell asleep with my head on the table for a while then I was awoken by the door bursting open and Rocco running in yelling at us to pack our stuff and that we have to leave, "what the f*ck are you talkin' about?" Connor asked, "I killed them! Jesus I killed them all!" He said panicking and grabbing everything, "just calm down. Just tell us what happened" I said grabbing him, "no!" He yelled, then the two women from earlier woke up and shouted " Rocco!" At the same as eachother, "you 2 shut up" I yelled at them, "calm down man" murphy said, "f*ck you! You start getting excited, mother f*cker! We gotta go!" He said waving an iron at me, "Rocco!" One of my brothers yelled but I couldn't tell who, he started running about and grabbing everything and at one point he quickly picked me up and sat me on top of the fridge, I couldn't exactly jump down and I was just so confused as to why a giant man just threw me on top of a fridge so I just sat there and watched Rocco and my brothers freak out with eachother, he started yelling something about the lake view, then the 2 women just yelled " Rocco!!" At the same time again, and Rocco freaked out "What!!!!" He yelled in annoyance, "where's my cat?" She asked "I killed your cat, you druggie bitch!" He hissed, "what why?" She asked, "I felt it would bring closure to our relation ship" Rocco said, I couldn't make anything out after that, then next thing I knew Rocco threw a table across the room, the he raised a gun to his head, "I'll shoot myself in the head if you can tell me that cats name!" He yelled, "go ahead! Your what? Your precious little..." He yelled, "skippy. Skippy" she said hesitantly, "Jesus! What colour was it bitch?" He yelled, "dont you f*ckin hell at her like that you pr*ck!" The other one yelled, Rocco then raised the gun to her, "shut you fat *ss Rayvie! I can't buy a pack of smokes without runnin' into 9 guys you f*cked! Damn! Son of a bitch" He yelled, I kind of tried not to laugh, "let's go!" Murphy said as the 3 of them walked out the door, "um..." I said confused since I was still up on top of a fridge that I couldn't get down from, "where the f*cks my sister?" I heard Murphy say from the hall, then Rocco walked back in hurrying, "forgot the f*ckin midget! Let's go!" He said as he grabbed me and ran out of the apartment with me over his shoulder yelling about how we gotta leave, on the way downstairs Rocco explain everything about how he killed 3 people that were part of the whole 6 bullets 9 guys thing, right infront of everyone at the lake view deli, this guys an idiot, "listen roc, did anybody see you?" I asked as he finally put me down, "f*ck , man, I might as well have gone around posting flyers, right out in public man." He said putting his head against the car, I got in the car and Murphy said something Rocco about it being liberating then everyone was i the car and we drove off, I fell asleep with my head on Rocco's shoulder, we must have been driving for a while cause when I woke up it was dark outside,no one was in the car but I was outside this place called sin bin, there was light up sings of naked women so I'm assuming it's some sort of thing with..well naked women.

I snuck past the guards and everything and got upstairs, I looked through all the doors but couldn't see much, then I immediately knew which one my brothers were in because of the strong smell of after shave, it was the one I got them each a few months ago, I walked in and Rocco had his hand on some passed out girls breast, "what the f*ck are you doing?" I yelled, he stood up quickly and put his hands up " I'll tip her!" He yelled, I walked over and pushed him to the side, I covered her breasts up and took a jacket off of the dead guy and covered her up with it, "whilst you guys are busy killing, I'm gonna go back down to the car, see ya!" I said as I walked out.

AN:Sorry this is a pretty short chapter I'll try and make longer ones in the future x

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