Part Ten

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3 Months Later

Paul Smecker's POV

I helped the boys with their plan, they got inside the courthouse, where Yakavetta was standing trial, they barged through the door and pulled their guns out, I peeked through the door watching the aimed their guns making the guards drop their guns and ordered the judge to stand with everyone else, he did just that, the brothers put Yakavetta on his knees and held their guns up to him, "you people have been chosen... to reveal our existence to the world! You will witness what happens here today...and you will tell of it later. All eyes to the front" The boys father said then told a young woman who was looking down that she must watch, the boys father took their place and held his gun to Yakavetta's head whilst the boys jumped up on onto the platforms with their guns aimed at everyone, "we do not ask for your poor, or your hungry!" Murphy said, "we do not want your tired and sick!" Connor followed "it is your corrupt we claim!" Murphy said, "it is you're evil that will be sought by us!" Connor yelled "with every breath, we shall hunt them down" "each day, we will spill their blood, till it rains from the skies!" "Do not kill, do not Kidnap, so not steal, these are principals which every man of every faith can embrace!" "These are not polite suggestions! These are not polite suggestions! These are codes of behaviour, and those of you that ignore them will pay the dearest cost!" "there are varying degrees of evil. We urge you lesser forms of filth not to push the bounds and cross over, into true corruption, into our domain" "for if you do, one day you will look behind you, and you will wee we 3. And on that day, you will reap it!" "And we will send you to whatever god you wish." They said taking turns. They then jumped down and walked over to the yakavetta, and aimed their guns at his head, they then started saying their prayer, "go on" I said to the person standing next to me that I had been secretly caring for for the past 3 months, "and shepherds we shall be, for theey s, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand... or feet may swiftly carry out thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be" they all said at the same time, "en nomine patri" their father said, "et filii" the brothers said at the same time.

"Et spiritu " Tia completed the prayer

They then pulled the trigger, they ran out through the back and we ran into the police van, "tee" they both said, she bolted over and jumped up onto Murphy and wrapped her legs around him, and pulled murphy in too, they both wrapped their arms around her,hugging her, "I will never leave you again" Connor said, "I'm so sorry" murphy cried.

Murphy's POV

How? How is she here? "I've missed you so much princess" I cried scared to let go, "I know I'm sorry" she said also crying, "angel don't even leave me again" Connor cried, "I won't" she cried, "what dont I get a hello?" A familiar voice said from behind us.


"Roc?!" All three of us said, "what the hell, I saw on the news, you-you killed your self" Tia cried, she ran over and jumped on him, "what the hell is going on here smecker" Connor said through his tears, calming down a bit, "Okay the Rocco thing I have no idea, I thought he was dead.But Tia, after you boys left, I woke up, I started looking about and I found the room, and Tia was there, on the chair, with a bullet wound in her chest, dead, or so I thought, I walked over to her, to say my goodbyes, and I noticed something, her lip twitched a bit, I put my hand on her neck and couldn't feel anything, and I had a stethoscope in my hand bag from last time I pretended to be a hooker... don't ask... and I put it to her chest, I could just barely hear a heart beat, I rushed her to a near by hospital and they done surgery on her, the bullet never hit anything somehow, we never told her identity, so that's probably how it never came out that she was alive, and after she was out of hospital, I took her in, and we came up with the plan to not say that she was still alive, that yakavetta's death would be of more meaning, and that it really would be from justice, not just another killing, she's been staying with me, and she's all healed up now, so we decided that after yakavetta was killed, she's show up, we just didn't realise it would take, what, 3 months? I'm sorry boys, but it was better this way, she asked for this" he admitted, "smecker, don't ever, ever, keep something like that from us again, or I will kill you, but... thank you" I said, Connor just put his hand on smeckers shoulder, we then both walked over and had a family hug, Rocco, Connor, Tia, da, and I.

After a few minutes of none of us wanting to let go of Tia, we finally did, "Tia.. this is da" I said pointing to him, "What?!" She exclaimed, "he tried to kill us" she said, "he didn't know love" Connor said, "oh" she replied, "hi, I'm Tia" she said putting her hand out to shake his, "yer family lass, come over here and give me a hug" he said, she did just that, you could see they were father and daughter and that they had a special bond.

We went to a motel room, "tia, there's something I need to tell you, you too boys" Da said, "what's up?" Tia asked, sitting on Connor's lap, I missed seeing that.
"Tia. When the boys went to Boston, what they didn't know was..." he trailed off, "what, what didn't we know?" Connor asked, "when you went to Boston, I was back in Ireland, and, I moved back in with your ma, for about a year, she never told you boys, she just said she met me once and we had a thing and she found out she was pregnant and i fled again, but that's not true.." he said, "well.. I stayed around for a year, before you boys came and took Tia to Scotland and raised her, but see the thing is, the one thing you didn't know, tia's not the only one" he said, "what do ya mean "not the only one?" I asked, "I mean, Tia has a twin brother" he said, everything went silent, "t-t-twin brother?" She asked, "Yes, his name is Dean Williams, after you were born your mum and I, we were always arguing, and I eventually decided to leave, I took Dean with me, and a few days later you two came and took Tia to Scotland, then when Dean was 12, I got out in prison, and he got took to a family, here, in Boston" he said, "holy sh*t" Connor Tia and I said at the same time, "what?" Da questioned, "Dean Williams, He's my best friend" Tia said, "small world" Da said, "for a minute there when you said you need to tell us something I thought you were gonna tell her about Pete" Connor said, I then punched him in the arm, "who's Pete?" Tia asked, "oh sh*t sorry" Connor said, Well f*ck.

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