Part Seven

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Tia's POV

After a while of waiting outside for my brothers to come out they finally walked out.

"Can we go now? Please" I asked, "Yeah, hop in" Connor said, I did just that, we arrived at a cafe and Rocco started telling us about this man who was a complete sicko, says he makes the ones we've been doing look like alter boys, "worst night of my life when I met the guy. The guy never says a f*ckin word to me, we were driving 25 minutes, never a sigh, no threat clearing, nothing.  His face blank, man. Just nothing there, this guy takes out a whole family... wife, kids, everyone, like he's ordering a f*cking pizza.  I knew if I didn't keep it together, it was my *ss.  He has a poker game out back of his place with a bunch of wise guys every Saturday. Worst day of my life man" rocco explained.

"Well, I'm sold" I said, "don't worry, Roc. We'll do this guy right and you'll feel a lot better." Connor said.

We then left the cafe.

After driving for about 10 minutes we arrived at mcginty's "Hey Doc!" I said smiling, "hiya, boys, can you give me a hand with these boxes" he asked, "I'll help" I said picking up a box, I then carried it upstairs and set it down.

Murphy's POV

"Knew that would make her go upstairs, listen boys, Tia's best friend, you know the tall boy with the English accent, Dean, his dad came in here this morning, and he said that his son told him tia's dating this boy, his name is Joe, j-j-ust thought you sh-should know" he said Doc said.

Before I even got a word in Connor ran upstairs and within seconds I heard them both yelling then I heard footsteps running and I just saw Tia bolt down the stairs with Connor chasing behind her, "she f*ckin' kissed him!" He yelled, "more than once! why do you care I'm allowed to have a boyfriend!" She yelled running behind tables away from him, "yeah not one who's f*ckin' 20 years old!" He yelled trying to catch her, "20?!" Rocco and I yelled at the same time, "he's 19!" She yelled, "Doc you are so dead!" She shouted, "how long has this been going on?!" I yelled, now also chasing her, "just a few months, you know what f*ck you! I should be allowed to date who I want I don't need your permission!" She shouted, "Conn you hearing this?" I said, "f*ckin' right I am, she thinks she can just do whatever she wants!" Connor shouted, "GUYS JUST STOP" she yelled slamming her hands on the table, she then walked round the table and stood in front of Connor and I, "can you two just stop being over protective *ssholes for one minute and just hear me out!" She said, "language" we both yelled hitting her across the back of the head.

Tia's POV

"Can you two just stop being over protective *ssholes for one minute and just hear me out!" I yelled looking up at my brother, "language" they both yelled slapping me across the back of the head, "STOP THAT OKAY IM F*CKING SICK OF IT" I said pushing them back into a table, so they pushed me back , "guys don't start this again!" Rocco said, "shut up!" All 3 of us yelled at the same time, I then then stood back up and punched murphy, Then Connor punched me and I stumbled back a bit.

Murphy's POV

She looks a bit dizzy, "Conn." said, "what!" He hissed, "look" I said pointing to tia, she could barely even stay standing, "wow, wow, what's up love, I think I hit her too hard Murph" Connor said, "no, I hit her harder it's not that, Tee? Tia?" I said, she never answered, before I could get another word in she passed out, I caught her before she passed out and I picked her up and lay her on a table.

A few hours later she woke up again, "Wow, Tee take it easy" I said putting my hand on her shoulder, "I-I'm fine, I think I just hit my head too hard" she said, "I'm sorry Tia" Connor said, "no it wasn't you, I think I hit it when I was running away from you both" she replied, "just, I- yeah, come on, it's late let's go back to Rocco's, you can sleep on his couch" Connor said picking her up, "okay" she said tiredly, he carried her to the car Rocco got in the back first The Connor lay tia down and she rested her head on Rocco's lap and she fell asleep, by the the time we got back to Rocco's she was completely zonked out, Rocco carried her up since I was too lazy, he lay her on the couch and I sat down at her feet since she barely took any space on the couch she was that tiny, and just went to sleep sitting up, and Rocco and Connor slept god knows where.

I woke up the next morning with Tia completely flipped around on the couch, her head was now right next to me leg and her arm was sprawled out across my legs, and her legs were hanging off the couch, Rocco and Connor were already awake, "I'm away for a shower boys, don't wake Her" I said, they both just nodded.

About half an hour later I was still in the shower since I just wanted to take a long shower, I then heard a knock on the door, "Murph hurry up I need to take a p*ss" Tia said, "I'll be out soon" I replied, "please hurry" She said, "whatever" I replied.

I was still in the shower 10 minutes after that, "Murphy hurry up in there!" She shouted, "gimme a minute!" I shouted back, "Murph you've been in there forever hurry up" she said banging on the door, "yeah and I'm gonna be in her for even longer" I shouted through, "that's it" she said, next thing I knew she opened the door, thankfully I had the shower curtain over, "you're taking a f*ckin p*ss aren't ya" I said, "yip" she said, I just laughed, "yer a true macmanus" I joked. She then washed her face and started brushing her teeth, "pass me that towel would ya" I said peeking my head out the shower Curtain, "gimme a minute" she said mocking me, "tee come on" I said, "gimme a minute" she repeated, "fine you won't give me I'll get it myself" I threatened, she then bolted over and passed me the towel, "it's nothing I ain't seen before but it's still everything I Don't wanna see" she said, I just laughed, remembering all the times me and Conn had came home and strip down and have Ice packs from head to toe from getting in fights and she's come in and screen and cover her eyes. I then wrapped the towel around my waist and got out, I walked over to the sink and stood next to her as she messed with her hair, I picked up a tooth brush that I leave at Rocco's and started brushing my teeth, "you know you should wear your hair up more often, it really shows those Macmanus features" I muttered through the toothbrush in my mouth, "I don't have Macmanus features, I only got the eyes, only the guys in our family get the good looks" she said, "what are ya talking about love you're gorgeous" I said, she never said anything after that, I spit out my toothpaste and a bit went on her arm by accident, "Murphy!" She yelled, "I'm sorry, it's not easy sharing a bathroom with 2 people!" I replied, "Make that 3" Connor said as he picked up his toothbrush, " god, I've literally had to go through this almost every morning with you 2, I just need my own bathroom" Tia said, "sorry" Connor and I said at the same time, Connor then walked over to the toilet and started taking a p*ss, "Jesus at least give me a little warning I know I can't see anything but still, for f*ck sake" she said, she then stormed out of the bathroom, "roc! tell my idiot siblings I'll be back in a minute I'm going down to get my clothes from the car" she shouted.
She then walked out the door and I heard her come back in a few minutes later, "guys I'm just gonna go get more milk, don't get into any fights while I'm gone" Rocco warned.

Tia then walked back into the bathroom where Connor and I were infront of the mirror and stood beside Connor, "guys, do you think Rocco's the right guy for all of this?" She said whilst taking her t shirt off to change into another one, "what do you mean?" I questioned, "I mean you saw the freak out he had when he killed those guys at the deli, what happens if he has another one of those and gets us caught" she said, Connor and I never said anything, she then walked out the bathroom.

After a minute we walked back into the living room to see Tia sitting there in this giant t shirt of Rocco's that literally went down to her knees and the short sleeves went down below her elbows, i know she changed into it in the bathroom but I'm only just noticing it now since, well, I wasn't looking at her since she was in her bra, "oh my god" Connor said laughing, "what?" She questioned, "nothing, love" I replied.

After a while Rocco came back in, "guys there's a plumber here to fix the sink" he said, it kinda pissed me off he brought someone in while Tia was only wearing a t shirt and not trousers even though the t shirt was huge anyway, I gave Tia her backpack told her to go into the bathroom to change, when she came out she was wearing a pair of black leggings, and a plain white t shirt and a leather jacket, and a pair of converse...and her hair tied up..

When she went to walk over to the couch she almost fainted and she could barely keep herself standing, "wow, what's wrong love" Connor asked, "nothing, I-I'm fine" she replied, the dizziness seemed to have disappeared and she sat down on the couch in between me and Connor.

After a while we all headed out and into the van to kill this guy.

Who knew the troubles that were about to head our way...

An: Sorry this is such a short chapter guys, next one will be longer I promise!

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