Part Five

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Tia's POV

"Okay we're ready" I said to Smecker.
"You boys are not under oath here, just answer the questions" he said sitting forward "I'm assuming, you knew these guys from before huh?" He said handing a pack of smokes to my brothers, he then went to hand one to me but I declined and my brothers pushed the pack of smokes away from me. "We met em' last night" I said "they had some pretty interesting bandages. Know anything about that?" He asked, we explained everything that happened, "so, how is that, you guys are fluent in Russian?" He asked, "we paid attention in school" Connor said "My brothers taught me I never got taught any languages in school" I said, earning a look from both of my brothers meaning 'it was sarcasm dummy' I then put my head down.
"Do ya' speak any other languages?" He asked "aye. Our mother insisted on it" murphy replied, "French?" "How do you think he figured all this out without speaking to us?" I asked in French, then my brothers started saying other things in different languages but I wasn't listening because I was tying my hair up "what are you guys doin' working at a freakin' meat packing plant?" He asked "uh agent Smecker?" A cop said "the press is everywhere, they're just goin' nuts for these guys, i dont know what you wanna do." He said, "you're not being charged it's up to you. You wanna talk to them?" He asked. "Absolutely not" I said "yeah and no pictures either, is there any way that we could stay here?" I asked "uh, yeah you know, we have an extra holding cell you guys...can they stay?" He asked looking at Smecker "well we'll have to check with your mom but it's okay with me if your friends sleep over" he replied sarcastically, I started laughing "time to feed the dogs"

Connor's POV
Rocco walked in, murphy walked up to him and hugged him and as usual Tia practically pounced on him, didn't really make him fall over though since she's like 5 ft and weighs like 90 pounds, "watcha got there?" I asked, he then handed us rosaries, we all just sat up talking for a while, I looked over and saw Tia leaning against her hand on the table, she had fell asleep, "Murph" I said pointing towards my little sister " poor kid, todays not been the best day for her, must be exhausted" murphy replied stroking her hair, I picked her up and put her into the uncomfortable bed, kissing her forehead then Murphy doing the same. We then headed to bed ourselves

All three of us woke up, with water dripping on our faces, I didn't really feel awake though "destroy all that which is evil" Tia said "so that which is good may flourish" murphy and I followed, then we all went back to sleep

Murphy's POV

We woke up, Tia climbed over her bed that was at the end and sat on mine, me and Murphy put our t shirts on and Tia changed out of shorts and into a pair of black leggings, we then heard a ringing tone, "what's that?" Me and Connor asked, Tia searched around a little bit and pulled something out, "it's that f*ckin Russians pager" She said turning it off, "watch yer f*ckin language Tee" Connor and I said at the same time hitting the back of her head, "let's go" Connor said standing up, Tia grabbed her leather jacket in her hand and Connor and I put our jackets on and we walked out to the front where all the cops were, everyone shouted as we walked up "how are ya boys" "what's up" "hey guys" we heard everywhere, "keep the faith man" Tia said to a guy in hand cuffs " f*ckin blow me" He said, to which she replied "you wish" causing me to laugh "what was that? hey have you got a pen?" Connor asked one of the guys, "yeah here you go" "thanks. Be right back" Connor said walking away and ruffling tia's hair "see this?" A man said showing me a news paper with the headline 'the saints of south boston' "what's this?" Me and Tia asked at the same time, "saints?" I asked, "body of Christ. Body of Christ. Body of Christ." tia said sprinkling coffee on them all, making them all laugh. We walked outside and started walking down the street, "put your jacket on it's cold out here" Connor said to Tia, I took her jacket and held it up and she put her arms in it. We then walked away.

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