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So, you can skip this bit if you want to just keep on going, but this is just a quick review of who Dindraine is (makes life easier I think). I'll try not to spoil important stuff! 


Role: Narrator of the story, main character

Gender: Girl/Female

Age: Physical body: 13 Chronologically (not counting time in 'Non Tempus'): 22      Chronologically (counting time in 'Non Tempus'): 3,893

Personality: In one word, I say tomboy. She honestly hates dresses, skirts, etc, and don't forget formal wear!! She's also a free person, she does whatever she wants within the range she is able to travel on her own by foot, horse, etc and get back by night. Threatens people with very small failure rates to be honest (she can be scary, like, really scary).

Appearance: Around 5'1" (~154.94cm), wears casual clothes whenever possible (cargo pants and t-shirt). Has heterochromatic eyes, right eye has gold and green rings around the pupil, left eye is a 'garrus eye'. Small, somewhat sharp face, looks young too. Has a small nose and mouth. Has long, black and silver hair (one strand starts out to be black and fades to a dull silver) and messy bangs, which are black, that cover some of her eyes. Looks nothing like a girl whatsoever if she wore boy's clothes, which she often does, since she can borrow from all of her brothers (they're all pretty much the same height). According to all the people who have met her, she has a charming face, capable of charming anyone (all ages, all genders, everyone, literally).

Relatives: Aurelius Lionel (elder brother, 12 years), Ibliss D. Grandiere (elder brother, 1 year), Skirnir Blumenthal (elder brother, 1 year), Name not yet revealed (younger (twin) brother, few seconds), 'aunt', 'uncle', 'aunt's' & 'uncle's' son (7 years), 'aunt's' & 'uncle's' daughter (5 years)

Our Past, Present, and FutureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora