Utter Defeat

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I whistled, I had to admit, Dindraine was far better than my expectations of her were. She was serious about defeating all the Division Praetors with their specialties. I saw her smirking happily. I wondered if fighting was just in her nature, or I guess you could say blood.

"C'mon," she said mockingly, "you can come at me at once if you want."

"No," Egil Quirinus, from Division One, put a hand, "we will go by Chronos's wishes."

"You make it sound as though he's dead." Dindraine looked at her opponents with a relaxed expression. "Anyway, who's up next?"

"I will fight you next." Quirinus stepped forward with his staff. He was a well-toned man, but of course not as much as Chronos Igrayne. He was rather smart, but not enough to be part of Division Four. His green cloak trailed behind him, the only indication that he was in Division One.

"I believe Chronos has not introduced himself. The one in the red cloak is Chronos Igrayne, Division Three Praetor. And I am Egil Quirinus, Division One Praetor. A pleasure to meet you." He introduced the unconscious Praetor and himself with extreme carefulness and caution.

"Pleasure to meet you too." Dindraine said, the words were pleasant, but some acid hid beneath her words. She clenched her dagger and it disappeared, like it never existed, and summoned a staff instead. Interesting, she can summon several kinds of things. I watched intently, excited for the next show. She, of course, beat him single-handedly. The next match was boring, really. Men of Division Four are usually lacking physical abilities. Of course, this was the same for the Praetor, Mimir Metis. Dindraine used physical abilities, but she did show a vast knowledge of attacks. So I guess she beat him with knowledge. The only match that was strange was the last. She was against the Division Two Praetor, Bagdemagus Agloval. He held his sword, which he uses to channel Spirit Particles. I watched this match more intently because I didn't feel Spirit Particles from Dindraine. She had an Aura, of course, since all living beings have an Aura, but Spirit Particles, they're not necessary, though they come in handy. Spirit Particles are only present around people who have already awakened their Magic Powers. Magik, of course, only requires Aura, so I thought that was why Dindraine beat Quirinus. How will she beat a Particle User when she's got none of her own... But in a split second, Agloval was on the ground unconscious. I looked right back to Dindraine, only to find her standing normally, unmoved from her original spot. I finally noticed the odd thing about the girl. Her Spirit Particles were trapped within her, but they spiked for that one second. The sheer power radiated from her was enough to knock a Division Two Praetor out and paralyze me for a moment.

"How..." I muttered completely awestruck. I've never heard of or felt the amount of Spirit Particles Dindraine possessed. And if that weren't the max... I thought, thinking of how powerful she would be, and how amazing her Magic Power would be.

"To be honest," Dindraine was rubbing her neck and walking up to me, "I expected these guys to be a lot more powerful." She sounded genuinely disappointed. Well, she wouldn't be the only one though, truth be told, I'm always disappointed by the level the Praetors fight at. They're pathetic, they don't reach my expectations at all. For once, I found a person was far better than I expected.

"I thought you didn't have Magic Powers." I say cooly on the way out the Arena, coating my surprise.

"I don't," she said it so plainly and bluntly, I thought she was joking. "it's just that my Spirit Particles are dormant, but I can control them. That's why they spiked that time, and the Praetor, Agloval, just fainted on the spot. Overexposure to Spirit Particles can cause paralyzation, or faint."

"But it was only for a moment, right?"

"Yeah, but I possess a little too many Spirit Particles." Dindraine shrugged so casually, it was hard to believe she was battling so many a few minutes ago. "I wanna meet the head of the Exercitus. Wanna fight 'im. Hope he's strong."

I chuckled quietly. "How do you know he's not standing in front of you?"

"Good point, Ragnor Thanatos Pendragon, and now that I think about it, Thanatos. Interesting" she said and chuckled quietly. "Suppose there's a chance you are."

"How do you know my full name." I demanded, completely on guard. Very few people knew my full name, much less the meaning of it.

"A guess. Who would've thought I'd actually get that right. And plus, you know I know a whole load of stuff, it'd be weird if I didn't know your middle name." She crossed her arms behind her head and asked suddenly, "What happened to you when you got exposed to the Spirit Particles, anyway, Ragnor?"

"Got paralyzed." I answered a little too coldly, not that Dindraine paid any attention to my emotionless state. "Anyway, I'll be putting you into Division Five."

"Seriously?!" Dindraine looked at me with sparkling eyes. I swore I could see her thoughts in her beaming eyes, Awesome!! I'm in the same Division as the best! Maybe I can fight them!

"Yeah, you seem to be pretty much good at everything." I explain shortly. I smirked. "As the leader of this army, welcome to the Exercitus. As the Division Five Praetor, welcome to Division Five. And as a friend of yours, congratulations, plus good job, whooping those pathetic Praetors' asses single-handedly."

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