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As usual, Dindraine surprised me. She was standing between me and the man, a higher ranking one I figured, he did wear a different uniform, but what surprised me more was the fact she stopped a sword, a Zweihänder probably around 3 kilograms, with one hand, and held my curved dagger in place with her staff.

You're kidding me. I thought in awe, feeling both amazement and fear. That was my full strength, yet she stopped my attack singlehandedly. Was that her raw strength, or did she enhance her already-powerful strength? I was in a daze, till I saw a man, gold hair with streaks of grey, no silver, hair. I was utterly shocked, Aurelius Lionel. He smirked, and said, "As usual, you're feeling a little grouchy. Well, I know what you're going to ask for. Invasion to negotiation, right?"

Dindraine was smiling, not because she was having fun, I could tell, but I couldn't put my finger on the emotion she was probably feeling, something like anger, but not at the same time. I didn't see a single hint of hatred, but definitely no affection or the like. "Of course." she said with no hesitation. I could feel the pressure, suddenly, of her glare to the man, and in a low voice, she said "Lower your weapon, Bifröst."

The man, Bifröst, surprisingly obeyed. I lowered my weapon, but not my guard. I was ready to kill Bifröst if he even tried to do anything. But I doubted he'd try anything, it seemed Dindraine had complete control over him, and I guessed he was under strict orders like no harming Dindraine. It was reasonable.

"Aurelius." Dindraine spoke up, making sure Bifröst would not try anything stupid, and started walking up to her brother. "Retreat."

"And why?" he asked, crossing his arms and cocking his head to a side, The same habit as Dindraine, huh. Brother like sister. I thought dryly.

"Or everyone dies." she said coldly. The rest of us were taken aback, I didn't know about the other two, but I was surprised by her voice, the way it was completely emotionless, and calm. But it was like a calm before a storm. A very bad one too. "Did you know?" Dindraine's voice was still freaky emotionless, but a little lighter, and heavier at the same time. "In a radius of 100 miles of my blood, I can kill anyone."

Lionel's eyes widened. Dindraine smirked in happiness, I swore I could see the 'looks like you've got some brains' in her eyes. "Yep, that means I can kill anyone in the castle, and I think you know who'll be the first."

"The king and queen." Lionel muttered quietly. "Fine, but if you feel like coming back, write to us first, will you?" He took out a card, and flicked it towards Dindraine, who caught it easily. Her palm faced herself, and surprisingly, she flicked her hand towards her and clenched her fist. At the same time, her hand caught fire.

"Who told you I was done." she said angrily. "Hand them over. I know they're here, you can't fool me."

"Ah," Lionel said, outwardly, he seemed unfazed, but I could tell he was somewhat surprised. "them. Bring them forward." He turned his head to a soldier, and as an afterthought, "And order everyone to stop fighting."

"But, sir..." the soldier started.

"You know it's impossible to win this battle. Let's just listen to what my sister has said. Less sacrifices, more for the War. Lose the battle and win the War."

Dindraine seemed to be getting a little impatient, I could hear a low and quiet growl. A few minutes later, three boys, tied up, were brought forward. They were all silverheads, like Dindraine, but all of them had different colored eyes. The one on the right had deep blue eyes, as I saw, it was hard to see, since they were all looking down. His eyes raged with obvious hatred. The boy next to him had eyes that could not be explained as one color, they changed. A few seconds earlier, they were grey, but now, they were a sea blue, slightly green and blue. And the one on the left had gold and green eyes, like Dindraine's left eye. The one with deep blue eyes gritted his teeth in frustration.

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