Prologue Part 1

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     Hi my name is Ethan Canto. Before you read on I would like to share with you my backstory. You know stuff like who my parents are and how they met each other. I'll leave out the part of how they named me and stuff. It may be a bit boring. I know I fell asleep when my parents told me. So anyways you might be wondering why I'm considered unusual. I'm considered that because I don't look normal. Everybody stares when I walk by and sometimes make wired faces or noises. But that's besides the point. People think I'm wooded because I'm missing an eye. It's not disgusting, its just not what people expect. Luckily I'm not the only "deformed" person in my family. My cat looks pretty unusual to me. His name has changed a lot since we got him. He was Cocoa Puff and Puddles, but eventually we decided on Prickles. It's from the experience he had with a porcupine once. So we were in the woods and I had him on a leash. We were having a good time until we heard a loud hiss of annoyance coming from the trail behind us. We all turned to see our cat fighting a porcupine. We named the porcupine Bubbles. So anyway, they were fighting and our cat lunged at the porcupine as we all looked away. We turned around to see him with a face full of prickly porcupine quills. So that is how he got his seventh and final name. I know I only listed two before but there were to many that I would have been listing them forever. Plus you would get bored and probably fall asleep. Now onto my parents story.

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