Prologue Part 5

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     The first five years of my life were both sad and scary, for both me and my parents. Especially the first. It almost seemed as if my first five years were a punishment for something I never did. In my first year I didn't do anything. You may be wondering how. When I was 3 weeks old I went into a coma when my older brother Cal threw a ice cube at me. It hurt a lot. When I got to the hospital they brought me to room 1,345 on floor four. Then they hooked me up to about fifteen different machines. Some read my heart rate while others saw if I was breathing of not. One of the machines was a mentalator. This machine showed if I was alive of not. My whole family was worried about me. I woke up sixteen days after my second birthday. 

     My second year was a huge mess of mistakes and  some stitches as well.  One day I awoke to the sound of someone crying, my mom.  At the moment I felt a sharp pain in my forehead as I fell from my crib onto a tack on my floor. As I got up it continued to go farther and farther along my forehead. When it reached my temple I began to cry. My dad came rushing in and attempted to remove the tack from my forehead. It worked but more blood came out when it was removed. This is when I had to be taken to the ER for stitches. About two months after that I got them removed. Soon I spoke my first word and walked for the first time. That was my second year.

     On my third year I got really sick and should have died, but I didn't. This year I fell into a really bad fever. My parents were told by the doctors that I probably wouldn't make it. At one point they even gave my parents those weird funeral papers. I spent most of the year in the hospital. Not much happened

     This is the ear I lost my eye. I had to get it removed because of a really bad infection. It could have spread through my whole body if my parents didn't have my eye removed. I spent most of this year in recovery.

     Nothing happened this year... Or did it.

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