Chapter 4 / Recovery

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     I was back. Back in recovery. The one place I didn't want to be. Recovery. I was in the recovery room for brain surgery. They had to remove the tumor from my brain and where was I now? Recovery! I had a really special nurse though. She was just like me and her name is Genevieve. She had beautiful luscious dark brown hair and blue eyes as pretty as pearls. Though that still wasn't what made her great. It was that she was missing an eye to and looked exactly like me. Except for the long hair. She made me laugh and smile and everything about her was amazing. Even her luscious and fair colored skin. Then suddenly it all went sour. I got a farting and burping nurse. Genevieve had to go to the North Heights Hospital to help out there. Then I got the nasty nurse. She was like the gas lord! Literally the gas lord! I almost asked for a gas mask it was so bad! She would fart and burp. Fart and burp. Fart and burp. You get the idea. I had her as my nurse for three weeks until I was out of recovery and could finally head home.

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