Chapter 3 / Surgery

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     My brain surgery was today. Right after the doctor talked to my parents I was taken to the ER to get the surgery. I had never been so scared in my life. They got me situated and then gave me the anesthetic to put me under during the surgery. Then everything went black.

When I woke up I was in some weird room where nurses were running around grabbing medicine and stuff to help other people there. I was in a small white bed with bars keeping me from falling out of the bed. My parents were there to, sitting by my bed with smiles on their faces. Soon I began to remember I had been in the ER getting brain surgery just moments before. Then I knew where I was. I was in the recovery room, where patients go after getting a major surgery. I know because I have been here before after I got my eye removed, on Saturday, November second, 3023. Ever since I had never wanted to come back. But, now I was, sitting here in a soft white bed watching the nurses run around endlessly to patients in need of assistance. I was back.

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