Prologue Part 2

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     Hi my name is Jennifer. Ethan's mom. Before you keep reading please note... Sorry the phone rang, anyways please note this will only be part of my backstory and not the full thing. This is because my full one would take to long and it would be like the book was on me. Thank you for reading. Please continue.

     Hi my name is Jennifer. Jennifer Lansing. I started Bleeker High today and everything went horrible. Well started horrible anyway. I ended out better that expected. So I was walking to school this morning, and I was taking the long route to avoid getting to school for at least a little while longer. I had butterflies in my stomach and it felt like I had swallowed a pigeon. You know those nasty birds that poop anywhere and everywhere. I was walking through Black Wood Forest. A special bird sight for birds that can't be returned to the wild. I was walking to school and finally arrived after a thirty to forty minute walk. I barely missed being late. I should have taken the short route through Park Goldstein. I walked in and it felt like I had entered a new world. I felt like I was in a garbage can. It smelled like it. It looked like it. It felt like it. My school was a garbage can. After looking around my new garbage can of a school I went straight to Homeroom. Nothing ever happens in Homeroom. But, today something did. We got our locker combinations. We got our schedules. But, then we got cupcakes? And cookies? This was really weird. The Homeroom teacher was so nice. We all finished eating and then the bell rang and I was off to... Sorry needed to check my schedule. I'm off to Math. I ran through the trashed hallways that looked as if they hadn't been cleaned in years. Then finally I reached room 273. The room where I was to do Math. During Math we had a very unexpected test on the first day. Like how are we supposed to know algebra already? I flunked the test horribly like everybody else. Or so I thought. Apparently only me and Kent flunked. And Kent is one of the geeks. You know the ones who know everything. Then after that we had a lot more boring classes. Then the bell for school rang and I happily left my garbage can of a school. Then just as I thought things wouldn't even go okay today something happened that changed my mind. There he was. Stephen The perfect guy for me...

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