The First Battle

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By the way, in this, Frisk is 16. Sorry if you're pissed. Picture her however you want. And the song to go with the story is above. It's "How Did You Love", by Shinedown. Just wanted to tell ya.

Frisk Point Of Veiw

'Wow, he's mad' I thought.
I was mad too, I had killed my mother, my friends, everyone.

There was a voice, telling me to kill him.  I had heard this voice, more like voices, alot.

I looked at him with a sad expression and ran to him, knife at hand.  A bone struck through my stomach. I screamed in pain and coughed up blood.  Another hit me, then another, then several more.  I was hanging by a thread with tears and blood all over my face, hair sticking to it from the tears and blood.   He drew up his arm to fire more, but before he could, I started to beg and beg.

"No, no, please don't"
I whispered raspily.
He walked to me, bent to my level, and lifted my chin up to face him.

"Oh, we're only just beginning."
He said with a scary grin.

He jabbed a bone into my chest and I was gone.  I saw the reset button and hesitantly pressed it. Could I bare that pain again? I had no idea what I got myself into.

So sorry it's short, I promise the next chapter will be alot longer.
Hope you liked it, My Lil' Potatoes!

- Faith 

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