It Hurts

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Hey, how ya doin'? Good? Yeah me too. How do you like the story so far? (I will slap all the negative commenters' faces) Let me know what you think I should change or add. If you have any questions, comments, or anything to tell me, feel free to leave a comment. Sorry for all my spelling errors. The song is "Pain", Three Days Grace. Other than that, Enjoy the chapter.


Frisk's Point of View

I was once again greeted with the the Cheshire cat grinned man. Tears ran down his face from his pained eyes. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. I was too full of adrenaline.

"So, decided to come back, huh? Well don't bother. You ain't gettin' past me that easy."

I stayed silent.

"Not gonna talk? Well that makes this a lot easier."

He drew back his hand and slammed it down. I couldn't believe it.

I dodged.

I held a suprised and happy face, a smile appearing, almost as big as Sans's.

"Don't celebrate quite yet, this is me goin' easy on ya. Figured I could at least have some fun."

I scowled and ran toward him.

I held the knife tightly in both hands, if they were tighter around it, I think I would've broke the handle.

He drew up a big dragon-bone face thing and it blasted at me. I turned to empty space.

I quickly pressed the reset button a bit too eagerly. I was once again greeted by him. I ran to him and a bunch of bones crashed in my direction. I ducked down under them and panted, still running. He appeared behind me and I tried to slice him, but he dissapeared. I looked behind me and gasped. About a zillion (note the exaggeration) bones flying at me. I only managed to dodge a few. There I sat, in the middle of the room, humiliated. There were bones in my stomach, chest, shoulders, and back. Blood poored on the once clean floor. I was gasping for air, but before I could pant 3 times, I disappeared.

After hours of running, jumping, dodging, screaming, and dieing, I decided to try something new.

I pressed to Mercy button.

I appeared in front of sans and gave a sad smile, giving up. His eyebrows curled in a sad look and he smiled sadly, opening his arms.

I ran to him with my eyes closed. Then I heard it. A ton of what he called 'Ghaster Blasters' surrounded me, opening their mouths. I screamed bloody murder as the impact came down on me. I turned to the buttons. I reset and pressed another button.


'Maybe he'll change his mind' I thought.

"You never seem to give up, do you? Just give up."

Bones crushed onto me, pinning me to the supporting beam by my sweater.

I looked down and a bone landed in my stomach. Blood and tears were covering my face as he lifting my chin up to face him.

"Please! Please stop! It hurts!"

I screamed, looking down at my stomach.

"Wish I could say sorry." He said as he twisted the bone deeper, my ear-peircing scream was cut off by my soul shattering.

Oh god. There's no way out. Just endless pain. Oh god, there's no bone, but I still feel the terrible pain.


Hi! Was that good? Bad? Short? Long? A piece of shit? A gift from all gods? Tell me what you think I could add to this chapter, other chapters, or the prologue. Hope I was good enough to full-fill your needs, if ya know what I mean. ;)
Alright, I guess that's it!
Bye, My Lil' Potatoes!

- Faith

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