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Burn it down, by Linkin Park. Rest in peace, Chester.

Sans's P.O.V

This kid was the cause of my misery, the reason I can't sleep, the reason Papyrus is gone...

I waited for them to get back. One minute turned to two, two turned to five, five turned to ten. I was actually, genualy worried. Did they really No, that little brat is just playing tricks on me...I hope.

Frisk's P.O.V

I tried to decide what to do...Mercy. I stood there, in front of the hot-no, scary man. Sans smirked, or snickered, however that works, I don't care! I wanted to try something that I might regret. I've tried to ask him a few questions before, but never got the chance, because he's always killed me before I got to.

"Sans, why do you kill me over and over again? Why don't you just give up? I mean, you tell me to give up, but I can't, mom told me never to give up."

His face turned serious, and he looked at his feet.

"So you just kill her?!" My breath hitched. She made me kill her, even though I wasn't even hers, she wouldn't let me go. She made me do it.

"I didn't want to." Sans looked up, into my eyes, questionably. He appeared right in front of me, making me jump back. Tears trickled down my cheeks as I sniffled. 'Why do I try?' I ask myself as I prepared for the pain of a bone in my stomach, but I didn't.

He grabbed my chin tightly, and I gasped and made a weird sound along with it. He looked into my eyes, as if he were searching for answers.

Sans's P.O.V

My breath hitched as she let out a moan-like shreek. That drove me crazy! I looked into her eyes, my facial features softening. I could see fresh tears rolling down her cheeks. I couldn't help thinking 'Her innocence is clear.' but it was all so confusing. Looking into her eyes was like looking into the eyes of the most hurt, and innocent creature on Earth.

I wanted her to be happy, but I was still so upset and confused. I leaned down and let my lips collide with hers. Her eyes widened, then closed as she began to kiss me back. A tear slipped down my cheek. I had to, I didn't have a choice. Her blushing face and warm, soft lips made it hard to do. A bone appeared in my hand. She had apparently heard something, because her eyes opened slightly, and she tried to pull away, but I held onto her chin and kissed her deeper, groaning slightly. As more tears slipped, I lodged the bone into her stomach, lips still intact. She let out a loud gasp, and then a shreek when I bagan to twist it. Her eyes were opened, but I didn't stop kissing her. The taste of warm blood filled my mouth as she coughed hysteracly. I twisted more, and then , there was nothing there. I got down on my knees and cryed.

I couldn't let her win...even if I loved her.

Hoi! Such an eventful chapter, am I right? Hope you guys liked it, and expect more soon.
Bye, Peoples!

- Faith

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