It's Gettin' nAsTy

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I was there in front of him again. "Can we please not fight? Can we just rest? I'm tired, and I know you are too." He laughed. "You think you're tired? Frisk, if you were going to commit countless numbers of murder, I'd think you'd be prepared to feel a little discomfort." He smiled, humored at my stupidity. "Plus, I'm exhausted." I keep trying to reason with him, but it went in one ear and out the other. "Then why do we have to fight? Can't we just take a break to rest?" He rolled his eyes and sighed loudly. "Look, Kid, I may not know x+y= who the fuck cares, but I'm not stupid. Why not just flat-out say that you want to kill me in my sleep?" I face palmed and groaned. " I don't want to kill you in you're sleep, okay?" "Right." He said sarcastically. "Well do what you want, kill me again, I don't care, but I'm going to sleep." I lay down while he chuckled. He really thought that he was some sort of Einstein. I stayed there in that same position, occasionally rolling over with my eyes closed, slowing my breathing for about 2 hours. All the while he just sat there staring at me. He knew that I was faking, but after about an hour and a half I could see that he was starting to fall for it. He still sat there though, watching me carefully until the tiredness got to him abd his eyelids grew heavy and fell. I waited about another hour to get up, just to make sure he was out. I tiptoed over and stood behind him, knife in hand. I lifted it up above his head, ready to slice into his skull. And then I couldn't. The voice got louder and louder, screaming at me to follow through with the plan, but I couldn't. I was weak. I fell to the cold floor, sobbing. The tears fell fast, collecting under my chin, and I had to catch my breath quite often. When I grew too loud, Sans jumped awake and turned to face me. I could see shock in his eyes, both at my breakdown and at his idiocy. Then he did the unthinkable. He reached out his arms and held me in a tight and sincere hug. We may have hated each other, but we needed each other too. He pet my head and trailed his cold finger to brush my hair out of my face. He then moved his thumb to my lips, touching and tugging the bottom one down. Never did I think me trying to kill him would lead to him wanting to...

(I couldn't resist 🤣)

I looked into his eyes, kind of confused. My brow raised and then we smirked at each other. "Hey, Frisk? You know what I should do to you?"

Bummer, man. You really thought I'd let you have it now? That sucks. Lol sorry for not posting for a while. I highly recommend you listen to the song if you didn't. I had to add it, I had no choice. Also, sorry if my writing gets a little confusing sometimes. I'm obviously not a professional 😂

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