Yoonmin ~ The Bench

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3rd P.O.V


He forgot again.

He'd reminded Yoongi so many times. But he forgot, again. This was a special day for them. A simple date in the park. He's been here 2 hours! How could stupid Min Yoongi forget!

Jimin P.O.V

Maybe he doesn't want to be with me anymore... maybe we're done. I thought he loved me. He always tells me he loves me. Maybe he doesn't care.

"PARK JIMIN! WHERE ARE YOU JIMINIE?!" He hears someone yell his name. His name.

"YOONGI ?! " He's actually suprised. But... he's angry. Like really, really angry. As Yoongi holds him in his arms, Jimin pulls away. "What the fuck Min? How could you? I was here for 2 hours Yoongi. 2! I thought you didn't care!"

"Oh you're mad! Why didn't you go to where we said to meet up, huh?! I thought something bad had happened to you! I almost called the police!"

Where we said to meet up. That's what he said. They were supposed to meet by the benches. The... swing benches. Oh shit.

"Umh, Yoongi?"


"I'm sorry. It's all my fault, I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you worried. I just was distracted. I'm sorry I  yelled at you. I'm sorry I thought you didn't love me, I'm-"

"WHAT?! Jiminie how could you think that? I spent forever getting thus date ready! You know how hard it was to find a picnic blanket? And grass that isn't wet? You know what, just follow me." A smirk made its way onto Yoongi's face.

3rd P.O.V

Shit. Shit, shit, shit. The only words Jimin could think. When Yoongi smirks it always means he's up to something. Always. His mind was racing faster than Usain Bolt. He's fucked.

As Yoongi pulled Jimin's hand with him, he felt sweat all over it. "Are you nervous babe?" He said looking back at his squishy boyfriend. He saw red, slowly making its way to Jimin's cheeks. He knew why. Babe was Jimin's weakness.

" I'm fine." Lie. Total lie. If anything he was the actual opposite of fine. Which was totally not fine. He's never sweat so much. Ok, maybe on their first date. And the second. Maybe all their dates. "I'm really fine Yoob."

"We're here Jiminie."

Jimin's mouth dropped. To the floor. Candles, a blanket, food, everything. It was perfect.

"Ta-Da!" Yoongi said with jazz hands. "Do you like it?" Yoongi actually looked nervous . Jimin couldn't understand why . It was so beautiful .

"Like it ?" Yoongi's smile dropped . "I LOVE IT!" Jimin ran into Yoongi's arms. "It's perfect," he whispered in Yoongi's ear.

They spent the rest of the day in that spot, together, like nothing else was real. All they needed was them. They were cuddled up under the night sky looking at the stars.

"Yoongi, I love you. Alot."

"I love you more Jiminie."

"Yea right."

"I'll tickle you."


Suddenly the rest of the night was Jimin running away while Yoongi was screaming the tickle monster is coming. And they wouldn't have it any other way.

This was the worst thing I've ever seen I'm so sorry .

Word count ~ 509

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