TaeJin ~ Kitchen Nightmare

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Tomorrow was the day. Jin had been waiting on this day forever. Forever. He was so nervous he thought he was going to throw up. He was finally going to get to present his cooking to a chef and get to have it in a 4 star restaurant.

"Heeeeeyyyyyy Jinnnnniieeeee." He heard the all too familiar sound of his boyfriend. "You know I loveeee youuuu, rigghhhhtttt?" Taehyung said. No matter how cute he was being Jin was still upset.

"What do you want Taehyung? I'm really busy. Can't you hang out with Yoongi." He was clearly still upset, "you didn't seem to have a problem with it yesterday," he mumbled under his breath.

"But Jinnie we talked about this, it was an accident. I didn't mean to, really." He sighed. Like he was ever going to be forgiven.

Incase you were wondering why Jin was so angry, let me tell you. Yesterday, Taehyung was helping his Yoongi-hyung move some boxes into his new studio. As he was walking out, he bumped into Yoongi, causing them to fall down. Apparently, fate had some problems with him because Jin just had to walk past and see them in their... predicament.

It looked like they were kissing. They technically had kissed. The force that Taehyung fell with caused it. Not any feelings. None. He only loved his boyfriend.

"Yah, so what? We talked so it's magically fixed. Let me just go kiss Hoseok and then we can talk and it will all be okay. Does that make sense Taehyung? Well, does it?!" Jin ranted. He was boiling. He's only like this because he's stressed. "I have to go to the store to pick up a few things for the dinner. Don't wait up," and with that, he walked out of the dorm. Trust me, he made sure to slam the door.

'He's really mad at me.' Tae thought. They never argued like this. Never, being the key word here.

You know how in cartoons, little light bulbs appear above characters heads when they have the most brilliant idea, that bites them in the ass later on? Taehyung's light bulb glowed so brightly, that I'm pretty sure everyone in the neighborhood saw.


^●^ ^●^ ^●^ ^●^time skip to after Tae has organized the kitchen, and Jin is finished at the store^●^ ^●^

"I'M BACK!" Jin yelled when he walked through the door. He saw Taehyung come running out of the kitchen with flour all over his face and a mop in his hand.

"I'm so glad you're home, you have to see what I did to the kitchen." He said trying to pull the older. "Come on, I did it just for you!" He finally got Jin to come to the kitchen with him.

"Look I organized the kitchen for you Jinnie. Are you happy with me?" He had worked for 2 hours cleaning up, moving things around and organizing all the foods. Jin wanted to cry. His bowls were where the blender should be. All his clean plates were in the dusty cleaning supply pantry, and probably the worst of them all all of his flour was spilled.

"Jin? You okay? Do you not like it? I thought, maybe if I cleaned the kitchen you would not be so mad. If you don't like it I can fix it all. I'm sorry..." Taehyung said. Even though he was saying sorry for the kitchen, they both knew that the younger was talking about what had happened the day before.

As much as he didn't want to, Jin started to smile. He laughed a little, shaking his head at Taehyung. Tae looked up, puzzled.

"TaeTae come here." Jin said. He waited for the boy to walk over and pulled him into a hug. "I'm sorry too Tae. I know that you would never cheat. I love you. I'm just really stressed out over this whole dinner thing, and I took it out on you." Jin said.

"I love you too, Jinnie. Now, what do you say we clean up my mess together?" Taehyung asked showing his box smile.

"You are so lucky I love you." Jin rolled his eyes and started to clean.

^●^ ^●^ ^●^ ^●^ another time skip bc yah gurl is lazy ash ^●^ ^●^ ^●^

After they cleaned the kitchen, Jin made a delicious meal. The head chef of the restaurant came and tasted. He gave all good notes. He said that it needed flour but all of the flour was gone after Taehyung spilled it on the floor.

"See, I knew you could do it." Taehyung said.

"Of course I could do it I'm amajjing" (I'm so sorry you had to read that.) Jin said grabbing the younger boys hand. "Wanna watch a movie?" He asked.

"Actually I think I'm going to organize your room and mi-"

"NO! KIM TAEHYUNG YOU STAY AWAY FROM MY BEDROOM!" Jin screamed, worried that his room would end up like the kitchen.

"I was kidding. Come on, let's watch American Assassin. But, only if you promise not to drool over that guy the while time." (The only way ppl watch that movie with me whoops) Tae laughed.

"Excuse me sir. Dylan O'Brien is not just any guy. He's the greatest human being and if I wasn't in love with you I'd marry him." (My response) Jin knew it would get a reaction.

"Oh really. Hmh. Be right back I think I left something in your room." Taehyung tried to run, but Jin knew exactly what his plan was.

"After today, you can't be alone ever again. Like ever, ever. Sorry not sorry boo." He said with a peace sign.

"As long as your the one keeping me company." Taehyung said kissing Jin on the tip of his nose.

"Ew love gross." RM shook his head at the strange duo.

"Just for that we're going to go make out. See yah! Oh, and knock first please and thank you." Jin responded pulling his boyfriend to his room.
I actually see this happening like frfr I'm also a sucker for nose kisses that shit cute as hell.

I should probably update this book if I want it to go places but school hella bitchy taking up my time. So yahhh.

Bye to myself bc no one's reading this part is nothing to do with the book lmfao

Word Count~ 1073

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