NamJin ~ Haunted

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A/n~ this chapter was requested by TongueTaenology I really hope I wrote this well and you like it ! Kaykaykaykay I'm procrastinating now~

"Umh guys? Where'd you go? Kook, Jimin, Hoseok? Those little bitches. They left me here!" Jin said walking around the amusement park looking for his friends. He would look for Yoongi and Taehyung, but like Yoongi had said earlier: "Great see you fuckers later me and Tae are gonna go have some fun. Aren't we baby?" He shuddered as he knew exactly what the boy was talking about.

'Where could they be? They were just right here at the-' Jin's thoughts were cut off when he ran into a muscular chest. He looked up and his heart started beating 10 times faster.

"Joonie? Hey, uh, what are you doing here?" He mentally facepalmed himself. What a stupid way to say hi. But he had to be careful. He didn't want anyone to find out about him and Namjoon.

"Well, I was here with my friend, but he ditched me when his girlfriend showed up. How about you? You're here alone babe?" He asked.

"Joonie shhhhh. What if someone hears you? And no, I'm not alone. But my friends ditched me too. Well, Yoongi and Tae went to go... you know." Jin told him. He was super excited to see him. They didn't get to go out much because they didn't want the others to know they were together. Jin's best friends hated Namjoon and his friends. At one point in time, they were all close. Until Jimin caught his at the time boyfriend sleeping with one of Joon's friends. After that they were never the same.

"Hey are you listening? I asked if you wanted to hang out? You know this could be a date. Only if you would like that." Namjoon said, a light rosy pink color rising to his cheeks.

Jin nodded and they walked towards a rollercoaster. They didn't necessarily hold hands, but they would lightly brush against each other, intertwining their fingers and untangling them again.

On the way to the rollercoaster, they spotted a booth with Princess Peach themed cotton candies. Jin was fascinated. They were really adorable. Namjoon, noticing the look on his boyfriends face, gently grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards the stand.

"May I please have 1 Peach cotton candies. Thank you." He told the teenage boy behind the stand. As the boy got the cotton candies, Joon watched as Jin looked at the ride they were going on next. He looked so terrified, not at all ready to ride on it. (A/n this is totally innocent take your minds out of the gutter ya nasties.) "You know, if you get scared you can always hold on to me. I know you get scared of this rollercoasters." He said lightly kissing Jin on the nose.

"Me, get scared? Yah right. I'm brave as hell Joonie." He told him puffing out his chest trying to prove his point.

"There's a spider on your should-"

"A SPIDER? GET IT OFF OF ME! GET IT, GET IT, GET IT, GET IT!" Jin kept screaming until Namjoon grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him telling him there was no spider. "There isn't? Wah, Namjoon you are seriously so mean to me. I'm just going to date myself. I mean, I'm super handsome anyways." Jin said 'flipping his hair' and putting a peace sign by his eyes.

Namjoon shook his head at boy and kept eating the cotton candies. After it was finished they walked towards the coaster. On the way Namjoon saw a haunted house that he really wanted to go into.

"Jinnie, can we pleeeeease, please, pleeeeease go to the haunted house?" To be honest, he lost a little bit of his pride as he whined and begged his boyfriend to go to into the house. Even though he would never say it, Jin was terrified to go in there. He had seen it earlier and was too scared to look. But, it was his Joonie. He was such a people pleaser.

So he couldn't stop himself when he squeaked out a 'sure' and walked to the house.

As they walked through, his heart began to beat fast. There was decorations through the house that looked a little too real. As he hides behind his younger, more brave, boyfriend, he feels a chill of air go past him, causing the hairs on the back of his neck to rise.

Then, in a flash, someone grabs him. He. Lost. It. He screamed and yelled, smacking the actor in the face. Namjoon tried to hold him back when he noticed that his boyfriend was crying. Not much, but there was tears. He was truly scared.

He felt horrible. Namjoon knew how much he hated scary stuffs. He should have asked if it was really okay. He hurried and pulled Jin out of that awful house and ran him out of the park. After they catch their breath, he turns to Jin with a guilty look.

"I'm so so so so sorry Jinnie. I didn't know that you would get really scared. I know you don't like that stuff. So, sorry. I love you." Joon said pulling the other into his warm, comfy, body.

"It's okay, I know you didn't mean it. You were excited. Can we go back to your house Joonie?" Jin replied to him.

"Of course. But, what about your friends? You are going to leave them here?" He asked, worried about his ex-bestfriends.

"Hey, they left me first. I just did it worse. Ooh hey that rhymed." Jin said, grabbing onto the pale pink haired boys hand. They walked to the car, swinging their hands together. The drive to Namjoon's house was very silent. Not and awkward or angry silent, but comfortable.

When they got to his house, he walked into the kitchen and got some snacks. He decided to make up for it they'd watch all of Jin's favorite movies.

After they've finished watching all the movies and eating all they snacks they stayed curled up on the couch. Namjoon felt the love his life's head on his shoulder and soft snores coming from him. Being as careful as possible, he piled the blanket on top of him, kissing his head lightly. He soon felt sleep overcome him as he laid down with him. They slept comfortably wrapped together, the events of the haunted house forgotten.
Okay please please do not hate me I'm soooooo sorry this took forever to come out I'll write an explanation I promise . I hope you liked !

Word Count~ 1109 words

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