Chrismas 2

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Spring traps pov
I was sleeping when I woke to the smell of bacon, Mangle was surprisingly already up which was surprising because of what happened last night. I walk into the living room where Freddy was cooking, Chica and Bonnie sitting at the table, Foxy awake on the couch and Mangle on the other couch. "Good morning Mangle." "Good mourning Spring trap." "How are you up before me? Usually I'm up before you when,when." "When what?" "When, the thing happens." "What thing?" "Y'know, last night." "Oh that thing, well maybe because you put more effort?" "Ok please stop talking about that." "Foxy, you will be in a snow bank half way across a field." "K fine, seriously though."


We were all eating breakfast when Goldie, TB, TC and Mari all walked out. "Hey guys." I said. "What about me?" "Oops, sorry TC. Anyway come grab a bite." Foxy looked up at me like the word bite was a trigger word, dunno why. So we all finished up and headed outside. "So what do you want to do Mangle?" "I don't know Springy, go sledding?" "Sure gimme a second." I went back to the cabin and got a two person sled. "Hey Mangle, does this work?" I held up the sled so she could see it. "It's perfect." Me and mangle found the best hill for sledding, not to high, not to low, not to steep and not to flat. "Ok ya ready?" "Yep!" "K, hang on!" We went down the hill but there was a problem, Freddy's snowman was in the way. "Look out Fred!" We went right into the snow man, I couldn't see where we were going.
Mangles pov
Me and Spring trap thought it would be a good idea to bring everyone to the cabin for Christmas break. So me and Spring trap decided to go sledding for a while, we got to the top of the hill and went down. It was great until Freddy's snowman got in the way. "Look out Fred!" Yelled spring trap. This is when everything went "down hill". Spring trap had a snowman head stuck on him and we were heading straight into a snow ball fight. "Spring trap, watch out!" He was being nailed in the head with snow balls, the snow man head broke. Then we took air after going up a little mound of snow, we landed on ice and slid into a snow bank." Spring trap, are you ok?" I heard a mumble then I realized that I had too pull him out because he went head first into the snow bank. "Are you ok?" "Yeah,I'm fine, you?" "I'm good Spring trap, thanks. Let's get warmed up, k?" "Sure."

Next day
"Yaawwn, what time is it?" I was waiting for an answer, but no response. I looked over but Spring trap wasn't there of course, Christmas is his favourite holiday so I'm not surprised if he's up already. I walked out into the living room, everyone was eating and didn't notice me. I walked to Spring trap. "Good morning Spring." "Good morning Mangle." Kisses* "What's for breakfast?" "There's pancakes." "Yum."

Spring traps pov
It's Christmas!!!!! I hope everyone has a good time. "Time for stockings." Everyone gathered and looked through there stockings  too see what they got. I went too my stocking hoping I got something this time, my stocking was torn and stitched from all the years of having it. I looked through the stocking and at the bottom, where painful memories. At the bottom was a pile of little coal shards, from all my past years. But that's the past, and this is the "present" which we were at now. When it came to Mangle she was going too pick up the small present. "Wait." She looked up at me confused. "That ones last." She smiled at me and picked a different present from me. Foxy opened a present from me, and he was so happy because it was a book on how too be a pirate, I went and picked up a present from Goldie. I opened it up and was surprised at what it was, it was a new engineering kit. We went through all the present but one, the present for Mangle. "Ok Mangle, last present." Everyone looked a bit curious as to what the gift was. "OMG Spring trap you got it!" It was a silver ring with a ruby hart in the middle. "So that's why you never spent money on anything." "Yep, I didn't spend money so I cou-" I was interrupted by mangle kissing me. "That's a nice present." Mangle giggled a little.

Later after dinner

We were all talking about what they got and how great the days here have been so far, which I'm glad too here. Mangle started falling asleep on me. I picked Mangle up and carried her to our room, I closed the door with my foot and laid her on the bed. I was about to leave when Mangle jumped up and pulled me in and........uuuhhhhh..........Christmas cheers right?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter (though it's late) and had a happy New Years. My resolution is to post more chapters and them posted in time. Anyway make sure to read my other book.

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