Chapter 16

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Sam paced around the large conference table that took precedence in the room and opened the door for the others with the phone still to his ear. "I'm putting you on speaker, Ben. Start at the beginning so the others can hear this too. Try not to leave anything out," he instructed.

Sam, Stephan, Nico, Chris, Mike and Brian took their seats around the table for the emergency meeting with Ben, Rick and Felix who were on conference call from Colorado.

"We have a problem here," Ben started. "The Shaman is dead, killed shortly after Devon's men took Rick and Adie. They captured the whole family when we tried to get to a public area and used us to coerce Adie into helping him. Joel says she bargained for our lives, agreeing to let him give her the first vampire mark."

Stephan leapt out of his seat. "Wait, are we talking about Callie's sister?"

Sam nodded. "Yes. Why do you ask?"

"She is a witch, right?"

Nico answered, "According to Callie, she's even more powerful than her."

"This has never been done before." Stephan said quietly. His mind worked frantically, trying to piece together the repercussions of such a pairing.  "For a vampire to mark a witch is unheard of. We have no idea how that will affect his powerbase."

Sam regarded his friend. "Is it even possible?"

Ben's static edged voice replied before Stephan could utter a response, "Apparently so. Our source in Devon's territory reported the ceremony took place a couple of nights ago."

"And?" Stephan prompted.

"And there is a rumour that her power has increased because of it."

"How reliable is your source?" Felix asked.

"She's a friend with one of the top female fighters who claims to have witnessed two separate incidents first hand."

"Ben, for crying out loud will you just spit it out already and tell us how!" Sam snapped slamming an open palm on the tabletop.

"Bear in mind that it's just a rumour," Ben hedged.

"Ben?" Nico warned, he had never seen Sam so close to snapping.

"Sorry. She claims to have seen the girls' eyes glow when she used her power to heal another fighter, and again with one of the children after an accident. The injury should have crippled the child. He was running around as if nothing happened within a few hours."

"Glowing eyes?" Stephan asked for clarification. "Glow how, what colour?"

"Apparently, when the witness looked in through the window of the room they took the boy into, her hands and eyes glowed florescent blue."

Stephan blew out a breath of relief. "Blue is a healer. It means her power will primarily run to healing."

"They're saying she's the new Shaman." Ben added.

"If the old Shaman is dead, then yes, it is likely."

All eyes turned to Sam as Chris asked, "So, are we packing?"

"One of you will have to stay here and wait for Callie to come back from her visit with Lucien and I'll have to speak with Alexander."

Brian looked at Nico for confirmation before suggesting, "I think Nico should stay, he's the best option for protecting her."

"You're not taking her with us?" Stephan asked.

Sam shook his head, "Not an option, if anything were to happen to her..." he trailed off, unable to voice the thought.

Stephan agreed that their mates would remain in safety.

"How long until you can get here, Sam?" Ben asked.

"Provided I can get hold of Alexander tonight, we can be with you in 48 hours."

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