Chapter 27

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Time was running out, sunrise threatened to dispel any cover they had in the shadows. The closest town to have a late closing nightclub was almost an hour's drive from the motel. With it being Tueday the patrons were slim pickings. So far the only human they'd encountered had been a wizened drunk they found sleeping in the alleyway behind the club. From their hiding place, they could plainly hear the thumping beat of popular music through the brick walls and smell the sweat of the dancing bodies housed within. So far, no-one had ventured outside.

"This is why it's a good idea to bring donors with you when you travel," Sam said with exasperation lacing his words.

Felix sighed. "I'm sorry; I should have organized something a few days ago. It honestly never crossed my mind that you'd be here this long. I'll have one of the guys do a raid on the hospital tomorrow."

"It's fine. I'm just tired and hungry, sick of waiting outside like some prowler."

"I've a couple of shifters who don't mind donating again."

"Shifter blood just doesn't have the same qualities. It's like the difference between diet coke and red bull; one quenches your thirst and the other gives you an energy boost. Shush, there's someone coming out the fire escape."

Clicking heels and giggles followed the bang of the fire escape door closing. Heated murmurs of passion drifted on the faint breeze from lovers who staggered their way along the alley in their direction. Sam stepped from the shadows, his eyes aglow with anticipation of his next meal. He smiled, flashing fang at the pair before lunging at the man. He turned to flee, leaving his girlfriend to fend for herself. Felix stepped up behind her and placed a cold hand across her mouth to stop her imminent scream.

Staring deep into their eyes, Sam compelled them to be compliant. He hadn't done this in decades; hunting for his dinner wasn't something he had to consider since the introduction of blood donation. He missed the thrill of the hunt. The anticipation alone made the meal so much tastier. Fear seemed to add an element that further enhanced the rich flavour of fresh blood.

Maroon 5's payphone broke through his reminiscing with the ring of his mobile. Fishing it from his pocket without breaking the connection of his mouth on the man's throat, he checked the caller ID: Ben.

"Don't move," he instructed his dinner, pressing the green button. He put the phone to his ear. "Ben, you're up late."

"Sorry about the time, but I'll be challenging the alpha of the pride that Aston controls once the sun comes up and thought you should know beforehand."

"Do you think that's wise?" Sam asked, wiping traces of blood from his mouth with a tissue.

"The Shaman seems to think so, yes."

"Do you always do what the Shaman tells you? She may not always have your best interests at heart."

"Under normal circumstances I would think twice, but in this case I have full confidence in her."

Sam heaved a tired breath. "Okay, we'll talk when I get back from town in an hour or so."

"I should be making my way to the challenge grounds by then, say your piece now and wish me luck."

"Is there nothing I can say to change your mind?"


"Then I wish you luck my friend. Call me when it's over."

"If I can." Ben hung up.

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