Chapter 25

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"The first thing we need to do is get in contact with Ben," Adie mused aloud. "Then, if he agrees to taking over the pride, find a way to help him win a fight against Vince."

Eliza shook her head. "I know Ben; he won't cheat or use an unfair advantage to win a fight for dominance."

"But how can he win otherwise? Vince is a young man by comparison."

"Younger doesn't mean fitter or faster, my dear, you have a lot to learn. Now, contacting him should be easy as long as he's sleeping."

Adie frowned in confusion, following Eliza to the shelves behind a table in the corner of the room. A large bowl sat dead centre of the bottom shelf, surrounded either side by jars of herbs and powder among other disgusting looking contents. Eliza cleared a space on the table and began stacking a selection of jars around the bowl she set down. Next, she produced a thick book with a brown leather cover, and flicked the pages until she came across the one she wanted. Numerous ingredients formed a list, a lot like a recipe, which Eliza scanned cross checking the jars contents. She picked one up and tossed in the trash after reading the label.

"Can't use that one anymore," she muttered. Turning to Adie with a small paring knife clutched firmly in her hand, she said, "I'm afraid we'll have to have some of your blood."

She snatched Adie's hand and sliced the knife across her palm before Adie registered what she'd said. She yelped with the unexpected pain, trying to pull her hand back. Eliza held firm - surprisingly strong for a ghost. Blood pooled instantly, running in a stream into the jar Eliza held under it. As soon as it was full, she closed Adie's fist and muttered under her breath. Adie stared at her palm once Eliza released it, watching the flow of blood stop, the flesh and tissues knit together until there was nothing left to see, not even a scar.

Eliza slid the book toward her. "Everything is set out. Follow the instructions exactly and you'll be able to talk to Ben."

All chatter stopped the moment Adie picked up the measuring spoon, dipping it in the first ingredient. They watched her carefully read every label and measure every spoonful she added to the bowl. Casting an apprehensive look over her shoulder at the others, Adie popped the lid off the jar and withdrew the dropper to add the last item, a single drop of her blood.

Smoke billowed from the bowl the instant her blood made contact with the other items. It swirled around her, obscuring everything from sight. She coughed and waved her hand in front of her face to help it dissipate. Several seconds passed before she could see anything beyond the length of her arm, only to find that she was no longer in the Shaman's home in the caves, but in a field of wheat.

Bright sunshine beat down on her, yet she felt no heat from its rays. She spun around, trying to get her bearings, and spotted a lone figure standing at the edge of a circle of trees at the bottom of a shallow hill. He waved to her, beckoning her to join him. The lean figure looked familiar, but his face was masked by the wide brimmed hat he wore to shade his eyes from the sun.

By the time she reached the tree line, he had already retreated to the centre of the tress and stood waiting by several rocks that formed another circle. He turned as she approached and swept the hat of his head. His eyes met hers.

"Well would you look at that," he said. "I was expecting the Shaman when I arrived here, but you'll do just as well. How on earth did you manage to get the meeting place anyway?"

He motioned for to sit on one of the rocks. Following suit, he sat opposite her.

"Apparently I became the Shaman when Vince killed Eliza."

Ben shot to his feet, rage apparent on his weather features. "That son of a bitch! Are you sure it was Vince?"

"According to a couple of his men, yeah. He killed her soon after you were set free."

"And they let him?"

"I don't think they had any choice in the matter, he's too strong for any of them."

"Damn fools, can't they see what he's doing is wrong?"

"Of course they know, but what can they do? If they don't follow his orders he kills them. They don't want to follow him, Ben. They need an alpha who will lead them, not one who'll abuse them at every turn. They fear what he'll do to them or make them do to others of the pride."

Adie watched as realization dawned on him. His eyes glinted yellow, taking on a feral look. "You want me to challenge him for the alphaship, don't you?"

"The pride needs a strong leader, someone to guide them, not order them to do things they know are morally wrong."

"But why me?" he asked, taking his seat again.

"Why not you?" she countered.

"Because I've no real interest in the political side of things. I'm too old for all that stuff, and I would like to spend time with my family. I'm alpha of my own little pride."

Adie laughed. "You're not that old, and from what I can see you're plenty fit enough.  I could help you out with something I think would make you less vulnerable to injury."

"No, if I do this it's done fairly," he insisted.

"So you'll do it?"

"Do I have a choice?"

"Not really, no. There's a pride of mountain lions who need help, at least until someone else can take over as alpha permanently. You could set a chain of command to ease some of the burden. That way, you can still have time with your family. Please, Ben, we need to set a plan to take Vince out of the equation, before Devon's meeting with Alexander next week."

He thought in silence for several minutes, mulling it over. "Fine, I'll let Sam and the others know what's happening and challenge him on Tuesday afternoon. The meeting is set for the early hours of Wednesday morning."

"Sam's here? Is Callie here too?" Adie asked. Swirling smoke drifted up around her feet blocking the circle of stones from view. "Ben? Ben!"

Eliza stepped into the smoke and patted Adie on the shoulder. "Well done, child, the first step is complete. You best get back before the sun rises and they notice you missing."

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