Dear Jayy, It's My Fault - Part 5

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Dear Jayy, It's My Fault - Part 5

"Andy? Who's the chick?" I let go of the girl and let her sit down.

"I ran into her by accident. It turns out she's a HUGE fan... Can we please help her out and let her come with us?" I put on the whole 'puppy-dog-eyes-act' until my sister nodded.

"Sure. And I apologize for the fact I'm dressed as the Cookie Monster... Anyway, I'm Jayy. And you are?" By this time, I'd left the room and gone to fix my hair. I walked back in just in time to see Jayy running out of the room.

"What's up with Jayy?" She shrugged. "Anyway, I didn't get your name." She smiled.

"The name's Danni." She smiled ans I saw a bit of a glint in her eyes, but I ignored it.

"It's a cute name." She blushed. "Would you mind if I quickly went to see if my sister's alright?" She sighed and nodded. I quickly ran across the hall.

I walked in and saw everyone, even Ashley and Alice, comforting Jayy. She had a bruise that was already forming around her eye like she'd been punched. Funnily enough, Jake wasn't actually there...  I really hoped he hadn't done anything to her. As soon as she noticed me standing there, she looked to her feet.

"Jayy what happened?" She stayed silent, just as Jake walked in. I glared at him. "JAKE! What the hell did you do to my sister?"  I grabbed hold of him, I don't know what came over me... I guess it was the overprotectiveness kicking in again. 

"What the hell Andy?! I didn't do anything! Ask whoever your new 'friend' is and it might shed some light on the situation!" I let go warily.

"I swear Andy. You need to sort yourself out and stop jumping to such conclusions..." I turned around to see Jayy stood behind me.

"I'm sorry Jayy, come here." I opened my arms and she stepped into my hug.

I closed my arms around her as I heard someone clear their throat in the doorway. I looked up to see Danni there, glaring at my sister.

"Danni. Maybe you can shed some light on the situation about my sister's eye?" She scoffed.

"I can't believe you'd blame this on me! I'm totally innocent in this! Knowing what she's been like lately, she probably did it to her self to get your attention..." I glared at her.

"Don't talk about my sister like that!" My words came out harsher than expected. "Tell you what. I take back what I said about you coming with us on tour... Just get out and go wherever the hell you're going! No one treats my sister like you just did." Danni left, not seeming to give a 'fudge' (to use Jake's replacement word). I turned to my sister and hugged her again.

"Thank you Andy. Now go get ready for your concert tonight! You're gonna rock!" She smiled and I looked down at her. "You lot too!" The other guys (except Jake) ran out and presumably to their hotel. 

I quickly ran off in mine and pulled on my leathers before starting on my warpaint. Once it was done, I turned around and jumped across the hall and into Jake's room, tripping on my landing and face planting the floor. Jayy burst out laughing as I stood up and brushed myself off. I noticed that my sister was in Jake's warpaint too and dressed like him too.

"Ooh look at the couple dressed like each other." I jeered a little. Jake playfully slapped me and slung his guitar over his shoulder.

"Come on, we gotta get to this venue before we're late and the crowd go home before we've even started." Me and Jayy laughed before we laughed and followed Jake out. When we got halfway there with the other guys and Alice, Jayy spoke up.

Dear Jayy, It's My Fault (Sequel to Dear Andy, I'm Sorry)Where stories live. Discover now