Dear Jayy, It's My Fault - Part 7

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Dear Jayy, It's My Fault - Part 7

"Andy! I hate you! You should have died in front of that truck! Not Jake, just you! You ruin everything for me! I don't even see the point of your existence! YOU'RE NOT MY BROTHER ANYMORE! I'M DONE WITH YOU!" 

I woke up at 7am, tears running down my face. My own sister had said that to me in a dream. I really hope it didn't mean anything... I tossed and turned to get back to sleep because the end sentence kept playing in my head...


I managed to get back to sleep through tears and was woke up about three hours later by my parents, looking really concerned about me. As soon as I made eye contact, the sentence came back into my head...


I began crying again and my mom propped me up in her lap and hugged me while my dad just stood in the doorway. He'd kind of run out of patience when it came to my sister.. So I guessed he knew what I was crying over.

"Leeme guess? You had a horrific dream about Jayy like you used to get?" I looked at my dad and nodded. "I swear she's the worst thing for you. First you try to kill yourself, and then you get hit by a truck. How much will it take for you to realise she's like a bad luck charm?!" I glared at my dad and got up, getting right in his face.

"She is NOT a bad luck charm! She's my little sister and even if you don't really give a shit about her... I STILL DO!" I ran downstairs, grabbing my coat and my keys, before running out to my car and starting the journey to Jake's house.

When I finally got there and knocked on the door, Jake came down in only boxers. I dreaded to think what they'd been doing but as long as he didn't force her into anything, I was fine with it... She's a big girl now and can make her own choices.

"Hi Jake, urmm, where's Jayy? Can I speak to her?" Jake let me inside and shut the door.

"Sure, I'll just go get her..." He walked to his room and then Jayy walked out a while later, fully dressed unlike her boyfriend.

"Hey Andy!" She smiled and I threw my arms around her.

"Hi Jayy." She finally pulled out of my hug and looked at my face, instantly becoming saddened.

"Andy? Why have you been crying?" She dragged me into their front room and sat me down. "Tell me Biersack." I laughed.

"You're a Biersack too!" She pouted a little. "And I had a really messed up dream but it doesn't matter... I'm fine now." I smiled at her and she nodded. Then my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out and read it.

Andy, on your way back will you go to Hot Topic for us and buy Jayy something for her birthday since you know her better than all of us?xx- Mom

"Sorry Jayy, I've got to be off. I need to buy a certain person's birthday present." She grinned.

"Alright Andy. And thank you for living."  I laughed and ruffled her hair before starting to leave.

I was halfway towards my car when Jake grabbed my arm and stopped me. I could see Jayy in the window.

"Andy I really need to ask you something!" I nodded for him to ask me. "How would you feel if I proposed to your sister?" I felt myself grin.

"You can! Obviously!" He smiled. "Got any idea about what ring you're getting and how you're going to do it..." He shook his head. "Fair enough. You could always ask Sammi, Jinxx's new girlfriend."

"Thanks Andy." We bro-hugged and I got in my car, driving off to Hot Topic.

I got there and put my hood up in the hope I wouldn't be noticed. After looking around for a while, I decided on a new Batman t-shirt and belt to be from me, and an AA hoodie, an AA shirt and a BOTDF backpack to be from my parents. I went back to my car and steadily drove home. When I got in my mom looked at all my bags and frounded.

"Andy have not got her too much?" I laughed.

"Well some of it's for you two to give her, and I already have loads more in my room for her from me." My mom laughed.

"I swear you treat her too well Andy!" She laughed and I went serious.

"Would you rather I abused her?" She went quiet.

"You really know how to make a sistuation awkward Andy." She playfully punched me. "Also, do you realised you've been to Hot Topic in your Batman pjyama bottoms?" I looked down and sighed.

"Could be worse..." She raised an eyebrow. "I could sleep naked." She playfully hit me again and I chuckled before running upstairs laughing to myself.

I swear, if you ever find a normal Biersack then they're probably adopted into our family...

Dear Jayy, It's My Fault (Sequel to Dear Andy, I'm Sorry)Where stories live. Discover now