Dear Jayy, It's My Fault - Part 12

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Dear Jayy, It's My Fault - Part 12 - Andy's P.O.V

I was SO glad the week had gone quickly! I couldn't believe we'd agreed on no contact but I'd still texted Jayy a few times to see if she was alright. She'd texted me back a few times too but then, since my mom knew  about the deal, she made me hand my phone over. It was weird, normally me and Jayy spoke all the time but this week we hadn't be able to... I guess it had done me good though, since I was no longer single...


I was walking down the street with my new, short hair which I had to say I loved! I suddenly felt my body smack into someone elses and I knocked them to the ground. I felt really bad and extended my hand, helping them up. 

When I noticed who it was, I mentally cursed myself; Ashley's little sister... She was nothing like him when it came to 'Purdy-ness', plus she was beautiful, but she was Ashley's sister... then I decided 'fuck it' and spke up.

"I'm so sorry Ellie! Tell you what, how about I take you for a coffee to make up for it?" She smiled and nodded.

"I'd like that." We raced each other to the shop and after getting our coffees, we pracically collapsed in our seats. 

After sitting and talking for what seemed like forever, she looked up and decided to ask me the one thing I didn't know.

"Do you know how Ashley's doing? I haven't seen him in forever!" I forced out a laugh.

"In all honest, I'm not really sure." She raised an eyebrow. "We took a week long break from talking to each other, and it's day three now." She laughed. "Oh! There is something I can tell you though!" She raised an eyebrow. "She's called Alice, she's really nice... She gets along with Jayy really well too!"

"That's good then. So, how are the other guys?" I smiled.

"They're all doing good. Jake's just sorted out his relationship with Jayy, Jinxx and Sammi are getting closer each day, and me and CC are still single." She chuckled to herself. "If you want to come see us all then you can come with me to the BVB house and stay for a while, you'll just have to share a bed with either CC or me, but just as friends." She smiled and then sighed.

"I wish it could be more than that with us Andy..." She mumbled but I heard every word.

"There could be if you really want there to be."

*End of flashback*

I stood in the hallway waiting for the taxi that Ellie was getting to the airport to come and pick me up. I heard the honk of the horn, hugged my parents goodbye and left, getting into the taxi with my bags and proceeding to the airport. 

We got through security and were on the plane pretty quickly since we were late getting there thanks to Mr Taxi Driver. I did nothing on the flight except letting Ellie sleep on my shoulder even though it wasn't a long flight... She was scared of heights though so I guess she had an excuse. 

After the plane FINALLY landed, I stood up and picked Ellie up bridal style, as well as our carry ons. When I got to luggage claim, I saw the guys had picked out our bags, even Ellie's, and walked over to them. Ashley was grinning like hell.

"ANDY!" He ran over and Ellie woke up. She smiled at the sight of her brother and practically jumped out of my arms to hug her. I walked over to Jayy and hugged her, she looked saddened.

"Jayy, what's up?" She started crying and I took her round a corner from the guys. "Come on. Tell me, please?"

"I... I needed you Andy. I tried desperately texting but you didn't reply to any! I needed you..." She trailed off when she saw the hurt in my eyes.

"Jayy, mom took away my phone and wouldn't let me contact you. I could hear it going off but couldn't get it in order to contact you... What happened?" She sighed.

"My birth family are taking me to live with them..." My jaw dropped.

"They.. they can't do that!" She sighed again.

"They can Andy. I'm only 16, and since I don't live with me they can just take me." I felt myself start to well up.

"Jayy. I.. We... The band can look after you!" I started sobbing.

"Andy, that's not even the worst part..." I looked up in shock. "I'm going back to England..."

With that, I lost it and just ran... Out of airport and away from everyone else. On the way out, I ran into two people with a sign saying 'Jayy Smith (was Biersack)'. I glared at them for a long time before the woman spoke up.

"I'm sorry but do you know me?" I smiled evilly.

"You don't know me. But you know my little sister and you're planning to take her away from me. I'm sorry but I can't let you do that. She's my little sister, I've been with her all her life and I'm not letting her go now." The woman glared at me.

"How do we know you're not just a pedophile?!" I rolled my eyes and pulled out my wallet. I opened it revealing loads of pictures of me and Jayy growing up. She smiled widely and took my wallet, looking them over.

"That's sweet and everything but she's still coming home with us! We need to be a family again. Sorry and everything but we just do!" The man pushed past me, followed by the woman and walked over to where Jayy was stood with Jake. 

I couldn't bare to watch and went to sit on a wall outside and smoke... I could hear the plane announcements and heard the one leaving for England... My sister was going and I could do nothing about it. 

I saw Jake, Ashley, Ellie, CC, Jinxx, Sammi and Alice walk out, all on the verge of tears. Jake locked eyes with me and began to walk over. Jinxx, Ashley and CC held him back.

"Come on Jake. He's not worth it. He can't even do anything for his little sister!" Ellie practically shouted, so I could hear and I felt my heart break.

Everyone hated me, and it was all my fault!"

The End


Well it's the end for this one anyway. There'll still be another one I just wanted to change the start letter like I did when I was writing Dear Andy, I'm Sorry.

So don't get worked up or bitch at me for ending it like thins because it's not actually the end...

Well it is for now but not forever :)

Also, befoer I upload the sequel I'm going to finish my story Ashley Purdy's Son...

So the sequel might not be uploaded straight away but it will eventually :) Don'y worry.

Thanks for reading - ChristiansComa <3

Dear Jayy, It's My Fault (Sequel to Dear Andy, I'm Sorry)Where stories live. Discover now