Dear Jayy, It's My Fault - Part 8

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Dear Jayy, It's My Fault - Part 8

I ran upstairs and walked over to my closet, before looking around in the bottom. I finally found what I was looking for, and pulled out some wrapping paper and sellotape. I looked through the items in front of me and realised I was missing one. I practically raided my wardrobe and drawers in the hope to find it but I couldn't... I decided to go down and ask my parents.

"Mom?" She turned around from her cooking. "Have you seen a braclet lying around any where?" She looked at me funny before reaching into the cupboard.

"I'm guessing it's the one that says 'sister' for Jayy?" I nodded and she handed it over.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH!" I squeezed her tightly in a hug.

"I just safely put it away incase your father found it... You know how he feels about Jayy." I nodded and pulled away from my mother.

"At the end of the day, she's his daughter so he has to get over his weird hatred for her some day..." I then started whispering into her ear. "Especially since Jake's going to ask Jayy to marry him!" My mom squealed.

"Don't tell your father..." She whispered back to me before I turned and ran into my room to wrap my sister's birthday presents.

I looked through them... I had gotten her:

-A Batman shirt

-A Batman belt

-A 'sister' bracelet that was engraved to say 'love you Jayy - Andy x' 

-A My Chemical Romance bracelet

-An Aiden messenger bag

-20 fake lip rings

-2 William Control tickets

I knew I'd probably gotten her too much but I didn't care. I wrapped everything but the Aiden bag, then put the other presents inside the bag, then wrappped the bag and slid it under my bed until I went round tomorrow. Just as I sat back on my bed, my phone rang and I pulled it out... It was Jake.

"Hey Pitts!"

"Oi Biersack! Can I ask you a question?" I heard his voice go a bit squeaky... I guess he was a little nervous about his question.

"Shoot." He laughed a little. "I've got everything sorted to ask your sister tomorrow, I'm going to do it at your party when all the guys get there... But will your parents be there?" I sighed.

"I guess so, I mean she is their daughter... I just don't know how my dad will react to you asking her... He doesn't really like her..." 

"How come?" I heard the tone in his voice drop.

"I've never known... He's never told me really..." Jake just sighed.

"Oh well... I'm asking her anyway... So, see you tomorrow!" He kind of shouted the last bit.

"See you tomorrow Jake." I hung up the phone and put it down on my bedside table.

I turned around to face my doorway and saw my dad leaning on it. He glared at me before walking over and sitting on the edge of my bed. I didn't like the look he was giving me so just leant against my wall and slumped further onto my bed.

"I'm guessing you want to know what I've got against Jayy then?" I nodded at my dad and he sighed before starting to talk again. "She's not my daughter, she's not your mother's daughter either. We adopted her so you didn't have a lonely childhood. However, since we got her, bad things have only ever happened to you. I mean-" 

"What about Black Veil Brides?" I cut my father off from his 'rambling'. "Jayy's the one who pushed me on to do that even though it would leave her with no one who knows even half of the stuff that happened to her when she was younger. She told me everything!" My dad looked shocked.

"What do you mean 'everything'?" I sighed.

"That she cut since she was about ten, people used to cut for her rather than her doing it herself sometimes. She went through a living hell at that school but  neither you or mom cared enough to ask why she spent hours in her room crying on a night... Once I left, I barely even got time to speak to her and I was hoping you could help but you obviously didn't help her since she ended up moving in with me, and ultimately all of Black Veil Brides." He looked shocked but I knew he would still argue.

"But if you hadn't formed Black Veil Brides then she wouldn't have found that worthless Jacob Pitts!" I glared at him.

"If it wasn't for Jake, she never would have stopped cutting last year! SHE WOULD HAVE DIED IF IT WASN'T FOR HIM AND YOU STILL HATE HIM! IT DOESN'T MATTER THAT SHE'S ADOPTED, SHE'S STILL A BIERSACK NOW! HAVE SOME F*CKING RESPECT FOR HER!" I stormed out and went to sit in my car before reclining the chair and drifting off into a dreamless sleep. 

I woke up and it was 7 am the next morning. I ran inside the house and jumped into the shower before getting out, quickly blasting my hair dry, and then applying a thin line of eyeliner around my eyes. I pulled on my black skinny jeans and my shirt that had a Batman logo to look like fire. I topped off my look with my Batman Converse I had designed myself. I then wrote a quick note to my parents and left it on my bed.


If you're wondering where I am, I've gone to Jayy's birthday party at Jake's house. I hope you can turn up and see her, I know it'll mean the world to her :)

Love Andy x

I picked her presents up and ran to my car, jumping in and starting it. When I got to Jake's it was 11 am... I can't believe it took me 4 hours to get ready and get here. I got out and knocked on the door, waiting for someone to answer it. Jayy soon opened the door and grinned as soon as she saw me.

"ANDY!" She threw her arms around me.

"Baby Biersack! Happy birthday!" She pulled away and smiled. I handed her, her presents and stepped inside. "Where's Jake then?" Just then he walked along the hall.

"I guess he's there." I laughed and so did she. Jake just looked at me weirdly. "Anyway, since I've already opened what Jake got me, I'll open yours now Andy." I smiled and followed her and Jake into their front room before getting dived on by Trixy.

I petted the dog while Jayy sat on the floor and opened the present revealing the Aiden bag.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH ANDY!" She hugged me.

"If you think that's the best, open the stuff inside the bag." She raised an eyebrow and proceeded to open the bag.

"You got me too much Andy!" I shrugged and watch her open them all, she then practically hugged me to death. "Thank you!"

"It's fine!" 

Soon after, the guys and even my parents arrived and gave her what they had bought her. She kept telling everyone they'd got her too much until Jake pulled her close to him. Only me, Jake and my mother knew what was going to happen... He got down on one knee and pulled out the box.

"Jayy Biersack... Will you marry me?"



If the picture's worked then Andy's shoes are at the side... ---> 

Also, my cliffhangers... Have YOU got time for that? (video) ---> 

Dear Jayy, It's My Fault (Sequel to Dear Andy, I'm Sorry)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat