First update

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So I'm sorry to everyone who is requesting me individually, but I'm in the Hospital right now. So I'm not gonna be able to reply for a while. I'll get back to everyone when I'm out. Again, sorry.

Little not here... Okay HUGE note here: I believe I was admitted January 14th 2017 and I literally had 24 hours left to live if I hadn't woken my family up, at 4:18 am, by screaming bloody fucking murder in my sleep, yeah It was that bad. It was a holiday weekend so we got the weekend doctor until Tuesday. That doctor was the biggest asshole I've ever met! He had that Holier than thou attitude, and he was also a fucking sexist dick (I outright heard him talking, in my doorway when mom went on her "mommy break", to another male doctor that he thought women were below him, he might not of outright said it but it was heavily applied and hinted at, like that obvious "plot twist" in... well anything that you can watch really) and even though I was literally half dead going in and out of reality, still conscious. This fucking doctor had kept saying I was doing drugs when my mom told him that I'm home schooled, rarely left the house, the good child, AND ALLERGIC TO OPIATES! He didn't care he still said I was somehow getting drugs because I'm a teenager and almost 18 and, apparently, all teens do drugs and that's why I am impacted. So mom asked me if I'd be ok if this bastard could drug test me. I can't remember what I said, yes I was that fucking out of it, but mom says I said "Sure, I know I'm not on them so let him." He did, and it came up, Shockingly, negative, he just said "oh, well, she's not on drugs" and walked out like a douche, I didn't see him for the rest of the day. The next day he came in and was trying to push pills down my throat, Shit we've already tried and it didn't work. He was trying to get me out because he was wrong and we were right. He didn't give a shit that I was, quite literally dying in front of him! I was lying on the bed have a serious absent seizure, it took my mom and the awesome resident that we had, screaming 3 different times (at least that's what they both said), at the tops of their voices to get my attention, all in front of this quack and he didn't give a damn! I kept myself from zoning as much as I could, but still could do nothing but look up. It was about 30 minutes since I stopped Zoning, this fucking doctor was spouting some bullshit about being scared to go to the bathroom, because of how much it hurts, and sticking electrodes and shocking someone whenever they got to close to the bathroom. Any time my mom tried to speak the "doctor" (this dude got his licence out of a fucking cereal box, I swear) talked over her getting louder and louder each time. I quickly ran out of fucks to give and as soon as I could move at all, I slowly turned my head from looking at the ceiling to looking at this asshole (like a scene out of a horror movie when the corpse turns to look at you, that is how it looked especially since I was as pale and had the same dead, glossy eyes as one at the time). The doctor saw me move a little and moved his head to look at me, He looked fucking scared and I almost wanted to laugh. Then I did something that made the horror movie-esqu(Sp?). I spoke, my voice, barely above a whisper, (I had never believed that speaking like this was possible until that moment) both my eyes half lidded, cold, glossy and dead, with rage flashing behind them (or so the resident, who was next the doctor, said), my face emotionless and voice raspy, cold and monotonous "Shut the fuck up, stop talking over my mom, and let her fucking speak." And he did, he quit talking over her, though he was still spouting the same bs as before, the resident was looking at him like he was stupid. My dead eyes never leaving him, I don't even think I blinked, I must have looked terrifying or maybe he wasn't a fan of horror movies, whatever the case maybe, he looked scared, and if I hadn't been in so much pain and/or half dead, I would have laughed at him. Maybe 10 minutes of more bs after that, I got tired of his shit and spoke in the same eyes, same look, and same voice, I said "Get the fucking hell out of my goddamned room and don't fucking come back." I don't think I've ever seen someone run any faster looking that terrified, I really wish my mother or the resident was recording that. The resident stayed for a few seconds to give me a grin and a thumbs up for what I did (Even she thought he was stupid, though she couldn't say anything for fear of losing her position). The "doctor" was supposed to check up on me the next day too (holiday weekend or whatever) but he never showed. He put it in my file that I cussed him out and ordered him away and that I was not to see him again (we found that out when we were trying to make an appointment with the other gi that worked there, and I laughed my ass off, as did mom after she got off the phone and dad when we told him what the receptionist meant). I'm not sorry that I did it, either, actually, that was the proudest moment of my life (Shit, I still get praised for doing that to this day, and it's been almost a year, any time I get praised for it a shit eating grin appears on my face). I was in a shit ton of pain (and my pain tolerance is as high as any athletes, maybe even as high as a front line military fighter, so most people would be in complete agony, not even joking), obviously dying (if the rapidly slowing heart monitor was anything to go by), and barely coherent. I was tired of his and many other doctors shit, I may have the patients of a saint (having a high functioning violent autistic little brother will do that to a girl), but even I have my limits! My mom might have been willing to put up with his bullshit, but I sure as hell was done with it. Though I believe mom was scared of him too. He did look exactly like her abusive ex-husband, had the same last name, spelled the exact same way too. They were probably half-siblings or cousins or something. Either way I was done with the douche for good after that.

Hospital (AKA Why I haven't been Updating at all)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora