Update 5

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Doctors are confusing AF, they released me from outpatient last Tuesday and now I'm back at home. They did NOTHING but shove medication down my throat. AND ON TOP OF THAT, they think I'm crazy for wanting a colostomy bag because I don't want to deal with having to go back to a hospital every 5 years, since I was three. They told me to get psychological help, just because I want a permanent fix! They basically called me a freaking loon! They didn't even say it to my face, they said I should see a psych doctor for me wanting a colostomy bag, on the FREAKING DISCHARGE PAPERS!!! Like WTFH! Sorry I'm ranting again. The doctors don't want to do anything until I get, or rather, don't get EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome) diagnosis. I can't get an appointment with someone that diagnoses it until, at least May, yeah, FML right. Anyway, like I said; I'm back home and whatnot, but I'm not happy about it. I mean I missed home but I just want to be fixed, is that to much to ask? Anyway when I go back in May, I'll update y'all on my condition and if I can actually get shit done. Later, my supporters!

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