Update 16

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Update: I'm getting tired of people's bs! My darling surgeon wants me to go in for MORE F-ING TESTING!!! This time he wants me to do a last ditch effort to teach me how to relearn how to shit! And that's not the best freaking part either! No, the best part is the actual testing. It's called biofeedback, basically some bitch is going to shove a balloon up my ass and "teach" me how to shit it back out! As well as some other bs being shove up my behind. Even my GRANDMOTHER is saying this is bs. If this doesn't work my surgeon says colostomy bag time. I have to cooperate with him or else I won't be able to get what I NEED done. My mom, dad, grandmother, aunts, uncles younger brothers, older brothers, and older sisters all say this is bull shit! Anyways I'll update later, I need to get stoned to deal with all of this f-ing shit. Later.

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