Update 14

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Update: I go in for minor surgery next Tuesday. What happened today is, you gals know when you go into the gyno/obgyn for a check up and they stick a metal thing up your kootchy, that is essentially what happened but up the other end... not comfortable at all, especially with the male doctor. But he reminded me of Shikamaru sooo much that I could be too uncomfortable because I wanted to laugh at the similarity. He literally had the, I'm planning 50 moves ahead (even said so himself) attitude and had this air about him that he wanted to look at the clouds and not be here, and he was really laid back! But we're back to thinking it is Hertzsprung's disease (look it up on google, I'm too tired, and most of my joints are popped out, and I'm hurting from having to take the bus for an hour and a half each way, and then I had to wait another half hour because the bus broke down, and I'm rambling), and this surgeon is going to do the required testing surgery to see if it is or not. If it is, it is an Automatic colostomy bag if not, probably still going to have to get it. I'm tired, so later.

Hospital (AKA Why I haven't been Updating at all)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant