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-Lost & Found-

Two weeks followed my drunken feat at Rooted, the obsession over the cobalt eyes significantly subsided, Elijah was no longer frustrated with me and now the only feelings that remained were the stress of finals week which was consuming me in its entirety, I sat at my now clean desk, staring at a blank Macbook screen that should have a term paper on it, I blew out a breath of frustration and tilted my head back stretching my back at the same time, while I torn on the idea of tossing my laptop out of the window and forfeit my term paper, there was a light rap on my door, I swiveled my desk chair turning to face my visitor, "You've been at this for hours Faith, are you planning to eat anything today?" 

Logan asked crossing her arms in front of her chest as she stood in my doorway, she reminded me so much of dad in that moment that I had to smile. "Yes, I promise I will eat." She grinned, "When? When the words magically appear on your screen? Get your procrastinating, uninspired butt up, come and eat, I got takeout." Logan left my door open to motivate me to get up, and despite me wanting to choke her out for doing so, it worked, I followed her out my door and into the kitchen where two bags of takeout sat on the counter, River picking at Logan's plate with her chopsticks while Logan had CNN running on TV, she hated reading the newspaper in order to keep up with current events, so TV was the next best thing, I vaguely glanced at the screen where the reporter was about to deliver some news about a handsome older man, I changed my mind about him being handsome when I realized what the news was about: 

In other news, the dirty dozen, a group determined to expose the leaders of a fraud rink in Los Angeles and Europe has named Lars Beckett, the millionaire real estate tycoon as a suspect in the assistance of running a Ponzi scheme with Harrow Industries, the list of investors who were cheated out of millions of dollars by this company goes as far back as 1994, Beckett who is responsible for the rise in coffee shops and bars along the west coast, was brought in for questioning in his involvement, police have seized his phone records, computer logs and even searched his property in hopes of finding any kind of evidence that can implicate him in the crime.

"Crime pays doesn't it, I mean this sick bastard  scams half the world and he's walking around freely, where's the damn justice." River complained neatly placing a piece of broccoli in her mouth with the chopsticks, "To think he's cleaning up his money in these bars and coffee shops is beyond me." Logan added attacking the rice on her plate. I poked a dumpling with my fork and looked at her. "That's America for you, some people have to sink so that others like that guy can swim, but wait, what do you mean?" I added, Logan changed the channel and the subject before River could explain anything. "That's enough news for today, as long as we're not getting scammed ourselves we'll be alright." She said sitting on River's lap and giving her a peck on the lips. "Get a room you two." I teased as my phone rang, it was Elijah, I chomped on my food but answered anyway. 

"Speak and be heard o'best friend." I shoved a dumpling in my mouth serving myself a plate of everything in the takeout containers, "We need to go back to Rooted." He said in a bit of a panic. "Ohhh no, you're not dragging me over there again, I think I had enough from it last time. I love you, I do, but I think I want to keep my liver a while longer." I joked, I could feel Elijah rolling his eyes at me from the other side of the phone. "I think I lost my wallet there. We have to go back, besides, you owe me." I facepalmed myself. "Eli, as much as Rooted is our favorite spot to go to, I really don't want to go back there. But because I owe you and this will actually make us even, come and get me. I'll be ready." He thanked me for being the most amazing friend ever before hanging up. 

I finished eating my food, and went back to the kitchen where Logan and River were still eating. "You need my car again?" River asked. I shook my head no, "Elijah's coming to get me, apparently he lost his wallet and needs moral support." I said making Logan giggle. "He's crazy about you, you know." Logan blurted out making River elbow her. "Is not!" I retorted. River cleared her throat, I turned around with a bratty face. "Is too." River and Logan said at the same time. "Jinx." They repeated giving each other a peck, they were disgustingly adorable and I couldn't stand it at times. 

"You guys, stop it, really, we're just friends!" I loved them but they could be more childish than me, I laughed. "Who needs to pick up their best friend to go get a wallet?" Logan looked at River who raised her hand comically. "I'd say that's an excuse to come see you." River challenged back. "Whatever, I'm ignoring you guys. Enjoy your Chinese food." They kept teasing until I closed my door. Could it be true? Elijah was into me? I placed the question in the back burner and ran off to shower. I placed my phone on my speakers and let the shuffle button do the rest. Troye Sivan sang about living for someone's every move. I sang along as I let my body enjoy the warm water falling on it, the next thirty minutes were spent pondering my entire existence, in my towel, a notification on my phone shook me from my despondent behavior. 

Should be there in a few

Elijah texted me, I sighed and looked at my closet, wishing that the animals that helped Cinderella would help me get dressed too, I got up and dragged myself to the closet, checking the weather before choosing what to wear, it was a bit chilly, so I dipped my hand into the closet and produced a ribbed orange turtleneck sweater, black jeans and black Doc Marten's, I looked like a Jack o' lantern but I looked like a cute one at least. 

I looked at myself in the mirror again to check that my hair and my outfit were in place, I applied my faithful gloss and headed to the living room where Elijah was already waiting, He smiled and I kissed him on the cheek, grabbing my keys from the hook. "Lo, Riv! I'm gone!" I shouted, they shouted back for me to have fun, and I walked out the door and into Elijah's 1967 Impala, "I don't understand why you don't drive this thing more often, it's so damn sexy." I exclaimed getting inside and putting on my seat belt. "Are you sure you're a girl?" He teased. "I've never met anyone into old cars like you." He looked over at me and then at the road, there was a hint of red on his cheeks as we drove towards the place I nearly demised in. 

"I can't help what I like, and a black '67 Chevy Impala is a bad ass car, as your best friend I demand you drive it more often Elijah Alexander." I stated confidently. He smiled big, "Fine, if you say so, I'll drive it more often." He laughed, Elijah was the kind of soul that would mellow you out if you gave him the chance to, I guess that's why it bothered me when my sister and River said he was crazy about me, he couldn't be, he was my best friend, I shook the thought away again as we parked in front of Rooted. 

We were halfway to the bar when one of the waitresses asked if she could help us, or Elijah, because she was eating him alive with her bright green eyes I also noticed she had a British accent, it took me back to the ocean eyes from that night but Elijah's flirting made me snap out of it, "Yeah, as a matter of fact you can help me, Mamasita." He said turning on his charm in less than a second. "I was here two weeks ago, I might've left my wallet here, I don't suppose you know who I can talk to about that." 

He flashed her a smirk that must've gotten her heart racing. "Sure, why don't you wait at the bar and I'll fetch the manager for you..." She smiled at him as she went to a separate room close to the bar, "Jeez Eli, Eat her for dinner why don't you." I teased and giggled, he smirked, "What? I'm appealing to the ladies obviously, even the foreign ones." He responded as he winked at her while she eye-fucked him as we waited.

We ordered a few drinks as we waited patiently, I was about to start complaining when I heard a voice coming from behind me. "Hailey, who was going on about a wallet, was it you?" The voice was sultry, deep and familiar, I saw Elijah nod and waited for the owner of the voice to appear at the bar, he placed the wallet on the counter allowing Elijah to take it. "You're bloody lucky mate, one of the girls found it and handed it in, another person wouldn't have been so lucky I reckon." He walked towards Elijah and I got a chance to look at the person speaking, my heart stopped and reset, there they were, the most amazing pair of blue eyes I'd ever encounter.

Bad Habits | Herophine #1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora