190 20 10

-Now or Never-

*Smut Alert*

After our heated kiss and while we waited on the furniture we ordered take out and sat on the floor to munch away, he told me he planned to turn the second bedroom into a classic photography darkroom. "Well, look at you, Jax Beckett, vintage connoisseur, cars, vinyl and now photography." I teased taking a huge bite of my burger, and chasing it with a sweet potato fry, he threw a regular fry at me that landed on my plate as we both giggled.

"I dig it, I'm glad you're finding your groove." I said eating said fry that landed on my plate. "Hanging with you has taught me a few things, like starting things and actually finishing them." He shrugged, biting on a piece of bacon protruding from his burger, I felt like asking where all this hanging was going but he made me lose my train of thought when he started leaning in to kiss me, then the doorbell rang and his plan was interrupted.

He answered the phone that let him ask who was knocking on his door. Of coursed they identified themselves as the furnishing company and Jax let them into the building, a parade of couches, bed, dressers, mirrors and balcony furniture began and took about two hours to bring it all in, while we supervised. "Alright sir, that would be all for today, your electronics and the rest of the furniture that's leftover will arrive within one to two business days, for now you have the basics so if you'll just sign here, we're good to go." The burly man handed Jax a pen and he signed off on the delivery winking at me as he did. "I'll make myself useful..."

I smiled and began to decorate the balcony with the two chairs he'd ordered to sit outside on a nice day. He joined in to help and we got through the living room and setting up the couches along with his bedroom.  Jax was a determined guy, two weeks after that his house was now fully decorated and furnished, he'd gotten his vinyl collection and his record players back from the authorities since it was proved that they were actually his and nothing to do with his father, he had to give one away as he didn't have the space to keep all three, the vintage one was in the living room and his suitcase looking record player took its rightful place in his bedroom.

I sat in my own room looking around, wishing I could redecorate soon, a phone call from Jax made me burst my thought bubble. "Pack a bag, spend the  night." He said into the phone. "What? I can't I have to do some major job hunting, I want to have a job before I enroll for senior year." I said rolling in my desk chair, then plopping onto my bean bag. "You can still do that tomorrow, come over..." He insisted, I stood quiet for a couple of seconds on the phone until he spoke up again. "You would leave a man to die, alone, in his own home because of your own selfish reasons?" He asked a bit dramatically but laughing afterwards. "Okay, okay! Wow, major diva!" I poked fun of his antics.

An overnight bag and forty-five minutes later I was standing in Jax's apartment, he'd moved the dining room table and was currently painting the center wall a shimmery light gray, he had no shirt, black sweatpants and a black hat flipped backwards. "That's a cute color." I complimented as I sat on his couch which gave me a full horizontal view of what he was doing, I was wearing light wash denim overalls a white crop top and sneakers I didn't really care for. "Thanks, this wall was looking a tad plain, so I decided to paint it, wanna help?" He asked turning around. "Oh, so you invited me over to do slave work eh?" I quizzed but coming over to help anyway because it seemed like fun. One small paint fight later we looked at the mess we made on the wall. "It really doesn't look bad."

I stood back admiring the artsy mess, there were splatters of navy blue, white and black in thin paint ropes it actually looked like something River would be into. Jax wiped a paint bubble on my face which ended up with it spreading. "Jax!" I laughed as did he, "Maybe we should shower, we don't need our artwork to transfer around the house." I agreed and he went off to shower first after I fiercely insisted, when he was gone and all that was heard around the house was silence and the shower running, my mind began to race, I don't know when but I found myself walking over to his bathroom, which had a stand in shower, I slowly turned the knob and opened the door, I bit my lip at the naked man in the shower and angled my head to the side smirking at his butt, he must've sensed my presence because he turned around and smirked. "You lost luv?" He quipped his brow upward as I shook my head no. I was already barefoot, so when he opened the shower door it was no surprise he pulled me into the shower with him.

I'd wanted to go further for a while, I just felt the time was right after that time in his room, even if we weren't in a serious relationship I'd shared a few intimate moments with this man that I'd put a stop to in the comfort of his condo, I still hadn't experienced an orgasm though, not unless they came from myself, which were the only ones I knew.

I felt my clothes soaking under the running water as Jax pulled me into his arms and kissed me, long, slow, loving, I felt safe as his arms snaked around me pulling my body into his wet naked one, he was eager, but he wasn't pawing at me to get my clothes off. Eventually, I broke away and let him undo the buckles to my overalls, I was now in a crop top and panties in front of him, he kissed his way down my body and the heat between us made me lose my shirt and bra, leaving only my panties to deal with.

A soft breath floated over my sex as he blew on it before looking up at me to get my consent on the removal of the thin piece of clothing. Jax's face lowered and his lips brushed against my lower ones, his tongue sought out the entire length of my slit, in one slow shudder inducing motion. "Fuck..." My voice echoed softly among the bathroom walls as I gripped his shoulders, why the fuck had I not let him do that before? It was so stupid of me, all the pleasure I had denied myself.

His tongue continued to probing and swirling deep in my core, then licking up and down the entire length of my pussy lips. Alternating time and time again, driving into a high frenzied oblivion. His mouth then found my clit and sucked on it, shooting me off into a loud climax. As I came down of it he kissed his way back up my body, reaching my lips and giving me wanting and demanding kisses, I could taste myself on his tongue. After a careful rub down with soap we moved to the bedroom, he lay on top of me as he kissed me. The feel of his hot skin made my heart skip a million beats.

He looked into my eyes, they pleaded for him to sex me, his cock rubbed up and down my slit, just as his mouth had done not long ago, he pressed into my wet opening not sinking into me and letting me get used to the feel of his cock, almost but not quite inside me, I rolled my hips and he took it as his cue to begin sinking into me, there was a brief pain, "Relax, breathe... let me in..." He groaned as he pushed deeper inside and in one firm thrust pushed fully, staying there until I got used to his thickness.

Then we started to make love, I finally understood the songs that spoke about it as he picked up the pace and my insides adjusted to him. I wrapped my legs behind him and his torso pressed against mine as he pumped in and out of me, our moans filling the room, he felt my high start to build again, with a scream of his name and a groan of his own, it was all over, Jax made me a woman and I had no objections.

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