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-Just a Little Faith-

*Jax P.O.V*

I can't say I'm a saint, but I'm not a bad guy either, I'm pretty sure some females might have a different opinion and beg to differ. Okay, I'll admit it, I'm a bit of an asshole, but only because I can't take that holier-than-thou attitude, but other than these views, I. Love. Women, I love the way their breath hitches when you kiss the perfect spot, the way they get mad but really just want you to chase after them and kiss them against the wall, cheesy shit. I love the act of flirting, it came natural to me. Faith wasn't the exception, but there was something about Faith, I got none of those signals I hate. She was good, too good. good amount of sass, good amount of flirting power. perfect amount of beautiful.

I picked up after myself when she left the bar with her friend, placing the bottles back onto their respective shelves, Hailey looked at me with a raised brow. "You like her..." She pointed out, I gave her a low chuckle. "I don't know her well enough to like her Hailey..." I washed out the shot glass she was drinking in and served myself another shot. "Well I know you well enough to know when someone's piqued your interest big brother and she's got you by the bollocks."

She smiled at me as she finished stacking the shot glasses for later on tonight, I downed my shot flipping her off as I did so and retreated to the back office, once I was alone with my thoughts I thought about the girl, Hailey was right, I was interested, but I was very far from wanting to be committed and girls like Faith were like sunshine on a Sunday morning, my thorns would completely rip her apart.

I shook away the thoughts of her and reached into the side drawer on my desk and took my keys. "I'm going for a drive." She put both middle fingers up to bid me goodbye making me laugh. "Have fun brooding over little miss twinkly eyes." She shouted after me. Hailey was my twin sister, for all intents and purposes, our bond was unique and explainable, not because I was older than her by thirty minutes, but because we were all we had, sure we had our father, but the life of vices, scandals and other sketchy businesses that chased the great Lars Beckett, left us to fend for ourselves, we were doing just fine, if I could pat us both on the back I would. I drove my midnight blue, '67 Mustang past an In n Out and thought about Hailey, she'd be gutted if I were to drive past one and not bring her anything, the drive-thru was closed, which meant I had to order inside the store. "The things I do for this little girl are beyond me, blimey..." I complained under my breath as I parked in the lot.

I stepped inside the restaurant and made the line like everyone else, once I ordered enough for both of us I stood on the waiting line to pick up food, what was it with America and lines? bloody hell... I glanced around the place not looking for anything in particular when a familiar set of green eyes found mine, I smirked and nodded softly causing Faith to blush and turn away, her friend, looked in my direction and wasn't as thrilled to see me as Faith was, I could hear her heartbeat from here if I focused enough I was sure, for someone who wasn't in a relationship with the girl he was sure overprotective, didn't seem like the same guy that was chatting up my sister earlier.

I smiled internally, as her eyes stayed on me, I watched her interact with the curly haired boy in front of her, seemingly asking him for something, ultimately rolling her eyes at him she looked into her tiny purse, producing a pen and writing something down on a napkin, I chuckled softly as I stood in wait for my meal, she made a bee line towards me and tucked her hair behind her ear. "I don't usually do this." She began. "I'm sure you don't." I took the napkin from her, not taking my eyes off hers, I felt the corners of my mouth pull up in a grin as I flashed her a smile, just then I was handed my meal, I began to walk away but turned around to face her. "You should be expecting a text, soon-ish..." I winked and flashed her a smile and went back to my car.

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